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Sunny's POV~

"And that's how you serve." Sawamura says handing me a ball, "Thank you!" I said then serving the ball. "Ow!" Ryuji yelled, I run over to go help him up. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I ask holding out a hand, he nods and takes my hand. "Thanks." He says before walking over to his dad.

"I can't believe our dads went to nationals!" Maria says jumping up and down, "You have the same energy as your dad." I said chuckling.

"Well he was a great Libero is what I heard!" She says spinning around, "I wish I knew how to play volleyball like my dad.." You turn over to see Haruto sighing. "Oh? What high school you going too?" You ask sitting down next to him.

"I really wanna go to Shiratorizawa but I don't think I'm smart enough.." Haruto says, "S-Shiratorizawa?! That's really hard to get into!" Kou exclaims standing up.

"I know, I know...But I wanna play volleyball just like my dad!" Haruto says looking over at his dad, "Don't worry, we'll be giving our luck to you!" I said patting him on the back. He smiles and goes over to his dad asking how to set.

"Hey Hikari, what school are you going to?" Fuji asks, "Karasuno of course! Just like my parents!" I said throwing a fist up in the air. "Oh really? I wanted to go to Date Tech but I don't know how my parents would feel.." He says looking over at Mrs. Kiyoko and Ryu.

"Really? I wanted to go there as well." Maria saying putting a hand on his shoulder, he blushes and looks away. "Me and Kou are already stressed at Aoba Johsai..still surprised how our parents were captains and co-captain but yet, still let us go to Aoba Johsai.." Rin says looking over at Kou.

"Is anyone going to Karasuno..?" I ask looking around, "Ryuji is." Rin says pointing to him sitting alone.

"Oh really? I'm gonna go talk to him!" I said waving to them and walking towards Ryuji.

"Hey Ryuji! I heard you're going to Karasuno, is it true?" I ask sitting down next to him, he takes of his headphones and looks at me then nods.

(F/a means "favorite artist)

"What are you listening too?" I ask looking at the song playing on his phone, he then puts the headphones over my ears. "You listen to f/a too?!" I said as the music played in my ears, "Yea..you like f/a?" He asks with a shocked face. "Yep!" I said giving a smile, he nods and looks out the ocean.

"Here let's use this instead." I said pulling out earbuds, he nods and plugs the earbuds into his phone. I put an earbud in my ear and handed him the other one, we listened to the music while looking out at the sea.

"Hey Ryuji! Do you know how to play volleyball?" I ask while shoving a watermelon in my mouth, "Swallow first, then talk." He says handing me a napkin. "And no, I don't plan on being like my dad." He says looking over to him, "Really? I wanna play volleyball, do you want to play sports?" I ask wiping my face.

"No, I wanted to play an instrument." He answers, "Really? What kind?" I ask again.

"Piano seems nice, so are you just going to keep on asking questions like it's a interview or what?" He asks giving the same smirk as his dad's.

"Now, now Ryuji. Don't be so mean to Hikari-Chan." I look up to see his dad standing behind him.

"Oh! Hello Mr.Kei!" I said giving him a wave, "That's not fair, everyone said you were salty during high school!" Ryuji says turning around.

"Doesn't mean you have too, plus I'm the only one who's allowed to be salty." He says then walking back to my parents. They look over at the two of us and laughed.

"You act just like your dad too! Somehow I'm not like my parents.." I said grabbing another slice of melon, "I guess..but eh." He says then goes back to his phone.

I said my goodbyes to everyone, exchanged numbers with my new friends and was about to leave when I heard someone call my name.

"Ryuji? What is it?" I ask turning around, "Here." He says handing me a note with a phone number. "My number." He says with a slight blush on his face, "Ah okay!" I said sliding the number in my bag.

"See you this semester." He says giving a small smile then running over to his parents.

For some reason..I felt my heart flutter.
Y/n's POV~

"What are you smiling at?" You ask looking over at Hikari, "O-Oh nothing.." She says smiling to herself.

"Seems like you and Ryuji are friends, didn't expect for you two to get along." Yamaguchi says starting the car. "He's cool.." Sunny says then pulling out a note and her phone.

"Tsukishima better taught that boy manners." You said looking over at Yamaguchi, he nods and smiles to Hikari who was giggling to herself.
(Night time)

You laid down and closed your eyes after a long day.

"You know..it was nice seeing everyone again." Tadashi says laying down next to you, "Agree, felt so nostalgic." You said opening your eyes and turning to him.

"Remember when you would always blush when I'd look at you." You said chuckling, "Yep, I guess I was really shy.." He says smiling at you.

"I'm so happy we met." You said laying your head on his chest, "Same here...I love you Y/n." He says kissing the top of your head.

"I love you too." You said before falling fast asleep.

The end.

Author's note will be in the next chapter!

"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now