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"Run! Run far away!" Tanaka said falling to the ground, you "ran" into the "forest" .

"That was good Tanaka!" Daichi says flipping to the next page, "Thanks Daichi-San!" He got back up and you all continued with the lines.
(Next day)

"Okay we won't be practicing since we have to practice the lines at the auditorium." Suga says leading everyone to the auditorium.

"These are so..heavy.." Hinata says carrying the boxes of props, "Weak.." Kageyama says.

"EHH?? I'LL BEAT YOU!" Seconds later Kageyama and Hinata ran to the auditorium.

"Okay! Yamaguchi, Kiyoko and Y/n, you guys will be in the first scene." Suga yells, you all nodded and the rest finished the set up while you guys made your way to the stage.

This was the most nerve wreaking scene since..you and Yamaguchi had to sing.

You went over to the "well" and pretend to get water from it.

"Want to know a secret?" You asked the "birds" which was just the girl's volleyball team dressed in white as "doves"

You began singing in the well, it "echoed" which was just a recording of you edited to make it echo.

You felt a presence behind you, it was Yamaguchi but you couldn't turn around. Once he began singing you acted "shocked" and ran off to the cardboard castle.

His singing was amazing..you didn't know what you sounded like but hopefully it was good.

Kiyoko was in the other castle then shut the curtains looking "angry".

"That was amazing! Both of your singing was great! I think we have the first scene down." Suga says while writing down on his notebook.

"Although..is the setting change will be quite hard to do isn't it?" You ask turning to Yamaguchi, "Yea..but it'll be easy since this scene we have the dwarfs helping us out." He says then looking through his script. "I literally have only like...10 lines besides the song." He chuckled. "Less stress for you." You giggled.

"Alright! Let's move onto Evil queen's scene!" Daichi says clapping his hands, you nodded then went over to where everyone was painting.

The main thing was to get the setting changed under 10 seconds. The team would be dressed in black until then since the forest scene was the hardest to quick change.

You laughed by the fact that all of the pressure was on Tsukishima the most.


The team ran and picked up the cardboard cutouts and ran to the other side of the stage.

"1 minute. Not too bad." You said looking at the stopwatch.

"My place to practice our lines?" Yamaguchi asks turning to you, "Yep!" You smiled and continued to walk.

"I'll play as Doc then." Yamaguchi says before saying Doc's lines.

"What are you kids doing?" You look up seeing Mrs.Yams in the doorway, "We're practicing our lines for the play." He answers.

"Oh? What play?" She asks leaning on the doorframe, "Snow white and the seven dwarfs." You answered. She gasps, "Are you Snow White?! And Tadashi's the prince?!" You turned to Yamaguchi, "Um...yea.." He says starting to blush.

"What day and time is it?!" She suddenly pulls out her phone and begins to type. "Well all I know it's next month..are you planning to come..?" He asks, "What? No~ good luck!" She suddenly closes the door and leaves.

"Shall we continue?" You nod and say your lines.
(Next day)

"Please don't go! I won't hurt you!" You exclaimed, the "animals" went and hid behind the cardboard logs and trees.

While practicing last night, you had realized there was many more songs. Although they weren't important but there would be picky kids.

As you were about to sing a loud thud came from behind you. "Ouch!" One of the girls yelled, "Stupid cardboard!" She said setting back up the prop. "Sorry.." She bowed to you and Suga, "No worries! Let's redo that!" You nod and went back down in a laying position.

"So. Many. Songs." You groaned hitting your head on the desk, "Hey now..don't worry I'll help you!" Yamaguchi said patting your back.

"Thanks...now..scene 4?" You ask lifting your head up, he nods and opens his script.

"Y/n, how does she look?" Asahi says revealing Kiyoko in the Evil Queen's dress. "You did this?? It looks amazing!" You said looking at the details.

"Now that I'm done with her's I can do yours if you want! I don't have much to do anyways." Asahi says holding up your dress.

"You sure? It doesn't need much fixing! Just a few details here and there!" You said helping Kiyoko zipping up her dress. He nods and sets up the dress on the hanger.

"Woah..Asahi did yours as well?" You ask as Yamaguchi was coming out of the changing room. "Y-Y/n! Oh! Um..yea..h-how do I look..?" He asks as he blushes. "I think you look handsome." You giggled then kissed his cheek, his face goes to a deep red and looks away.

"T-thanks..I'll g-go show e-everyone else now.." You nod and follow him to the stage.

"Woww Asahi! You did a wonderful job!" Daichi said in awe, "T-thanks..I practiced a lot and I thought I might be ready..." Asahi said with a small blush on his face.

"ASAHI...WE MUST THANK YOU...KIYOKO LOOKS MAGNIFICENT!" Tanaka and Noya said bowing to her, "Oi. Get up on your knees, you look dumb." Kiyoko says then going back into the changing room.

"SHE CALLED US DUMB...I LOVE HER!" Nishinoya yelled bursting into tears. "I'll go change as well..." Yamaguchi says then leaving to the changing room.

"You probably think he looks hot in that costume." You turned to see Tsukishima snickering, "What! No! I think he looks..good.." You said before blushing hard.

"Then explain that blush on your face." Tsukishima says before turning around and walking away. Damn you....You thought before trying to calm yourself down.

Author's note~


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now