"Face masks"

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You, Tsukishima, Kageyama and Yamaguchi decided to head over to Hinata's house together.

The opens revealing Hinata, "Hey guys! Welcome!" You guys walk in and took off your shoes.

While you guys walked down the hall you see a barking dog running towards you, out of fear you jump up grabbing onto Yamaguchi.

Luckily he caught you but felt surprised you had so much trust in him.

"Um..Hinata..Y/n has a fear of dogs.." Yamaguchi says, "Oh! Right I forgot!" Hinata then leads the dog into another room.

"Um..Y/n..it's gone now.." Yamaguchi says, "Oh..r-right.." He sets you down and you felt your face getting red.

Hinata returns and leads you all to the room.
Yamaguchi's POV~

Out of instinct I caught her and felt her body trembling. I looked at Tsukki who just shrugged his shoulders.

The dog looked so little but yet it's barks were loud. It circled and jumped around me causing Y/n to freak out. She dug her face into my chest trying to shut out the barks.

"Hinata..Y/n has a fear of dogs.." I said, "Oh right! I forgot!" Hinata says leading the dog into another room.

I set her down, for some reason..I missed her touch.
Y/n's POV~

Kageyama, Hinata and Tsukishima went to the kitchen to grab some snacks leaving you and Yamaguchi alone.

"Sorry for throwing myself on you.." You said looking down at your feet, "It's alright, you were scared that's all." He says.

"But maybe you should overcome your fear of dogs too..not all of them are scary." He says laughing a bit. "I guess.." You said, "Don't worry Hinata's dog is really sweet, it's because you're a stranger to him." He says.

Yamaguchi has told Hinata to bring the dog in since he wanted you to get over your fear.

Once you heard the dog, you quickly scoot over to Yamaguchi's side. "It's okay Y/n..he's friendly!" You nod and tried to calm yourself down.

"Be nice!" Hinata says letting the dog roam around.

The dog ran over to jumping all over you. "Pet him." Kageyama says, once you lifted a hand the dog jumps around. You pet the dog slowly and it quickly became a fond of you.

"See, he's nice!" Yamaguchi says, "Heh I guess I was wrong.." You said rubbing the dog's stomach.

"Let's do face masks!" Hinata says holding up a peel-off face mask. "Eh? No." Tsukishima says, "Come on Tsukki! If Kageyama is doing it than you can too!" Yamaguchi says. "Who said I'm doing it?" Kageyama said, "I did! Now everyone go wash your face with water!" Hinata says.

After everyone washed their face, Hinata was about to apply the face mask when you remembered something. "Wait! Your hair will be in the way." You said looking into your bag.

After a few minutes of looking through your bag, you pulled out a few hair clips and hair ties.

As you tied up Yamaguchi's hair you felt his face go red, you giggled at his face and continued to the others.

"How do I even-." You look at Tsukishima since his hair was pretty short but it would still get in the way. You decided to just add a clip which was perfect.

After doing Kageyama's and Hinata's hair, you decided to just apply the face masks to everyone since no one trusted Hinata.

You had Yamaguchi apply the face mask to your face, you could feel him get nervous since he didn't want it to get in your eye.

"Let's take a picture!" You said holding up your phone, they nodded and leaned in.

You were gonna send it to your mom but accidentally sent it to the Team groupchat.



You looked at Hinata who quickly picked up his phone.

SORRY!! I thought y'all might be busy..


Mind if we tag along?

The more the merrier! :D

*insert address*

See you soon I guess lol

Author's note~
yes. I'm afraid of dogs too. I'm more of a cat person cause dogs are too energetic for me. Unless it's a lazy dog than SIGN ME UPP! See you in the next chapter!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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