"Just Dance"

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"So..we supposedly know each other since kids huh..?" You said walking besides him.

"Kinda surprising..although hitting me with a block was funny." He said laughing a bit "Yea..gomen.." You said hiding your embarrassed face.

"We were kids, it's alright!" He says as you both walked around the house.

"This is your room?" You said entering the bedroom, "Y-yea..sorry if it's messy.." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's not, it's actually very cute!" You said walking over to the stuff animals, "T-thanks..I had those since I was a kid." He said coming up next to you. "I also keep my old stuff animals, I became too attached to them.." You chuckled.

"While we're waiting for dinner, wanna play some games?" He asks turning on his Wii.

"You got Just Dance on there?" You joked, "Actually I do!" He held up a disc. "May the best dancer win." You smirked than grabbing a controller.

You both let your bodies do it's thing, while dancing you tripped causing him to burst out laughing. "I'll still beat you!" You said getting up and continue to dance, "We'll see about that." He said then smiling at you.

At one point of the dance came a part where you were suppose to jump into his arms. You both looked at each other than nodded, you backed and ran towards him. Jumping into his arms he caught you than carried you princess-style.

You both stood there trying to catch your breaths. "WOOOO AGAIN!"

You both turn to see your moms recording, "Mom! H-how long were you there?!" He asks setting you down. "You don't need to know, dinners ready!" Your mom said giggling then both leaving.

"I guess we should go eat.." You said setting down the controller, he nods and you both head downstairs.

You both practically sat in silence while eating since your moms were talking non-stop. There would be times where you would look up from your food and see Yamaguchi looking at you. He would quickly look away and continue eating his food.

"I'll help you wash the dishes." You said walking over to him, "It's alright Y/n, I got it!" He said placing a plate in the rack.

"I would rather help you than listen to our moms talk." You joked than grabbed a rag and began drying the dishes. He chuckled and began telling you funny stories, you enjoyed his company. As you were waiting for him to hand you more dishes you watched him go on about random things. You smiled at his little laughs and the little freckles on his face, they reminded you of little hearts.

"Something wrong Y/n?" You catch yourself staring at him, "Oh! Um..nothing!" You quickly turn and began drying the rest of the dishes.

After an hour of playing Just Dance you both got bored real quick.

"You wanna go somewhere?" He asks, "I don't think our moms would let us.." You said sitting down next on his bed.

"It's fine, I'm pretty sure they'll be busy chatting." He said putting on a jacket. "Here." He said handing you a hoodie, "It'll be cold." You took the hoodie then suddenly blush.

Hiding your blush, you both head downstairs to where your moms were chatting.

"Hey mom, we'll be going out." Yamaguchi said putting on his shoes, "Alright be safe, do you need money?" Mrs. Yams said grabbing his purse. "It's fine, I have some!" He held up his wallet "Be safe Y/n! And you two..don't do things.." Your mom said looking at you.

"W-we won't!" You said quickly putting on your shoes before heading out.

Author's note~
See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now