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That night Yamaguchi fell asleep in your arms in need of your comfort.

"GUYS! GUYS! GUYS!" You turn to see Hinata and Nishinoya running towards you all. "What is it Hinata?" You ask picking up a ball, "HALLOWEEN IS THIS WEEK!" Hinata says jumping up and down.

"Oh yea, weren't we going go hang out?" Sugawara says walking over to you guys, "YEA! HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL!" Nishinoya says holding up a flyer.

"Well we can go this weekend, it starts at 7pm so we'll just meet up then." Daichi says looking at the flyer, "G-Ghost...w-witches...v-vampires.." Asahi says shaking.

"I heard their haunted houses are fun, and they have employees in costumes walk around." You said looking over at the flyer, "Are you scared of monsters Y/n?" Kageyama asks. "Not really, jump scares do though." You answered.

"Are you going to dress up Y/n?!" Hinata asks, "I don't know really...are you Hinata?" He nods and shows you a picture of his costume. "A ninja..?" You said, "Pfff- that's funny." Tsukishima says coming up from behind.

"Shut up! Me and Kageyama are gonna be matching!" Hinata says nudging Kageyama, you chuckled and went back to cleaning up.

"Ugh...math is boring.." You groaned while taking notes, "H-Here...maybe this'll make it better..." He slid over his pencil bag, you looked over. In his pencil bag was an amazing amount of colorful pens and highlighters.

Your eyes gleamed in awe, "Woah...these are so pretty.." You said going through the bag.

"I-If you want...we could h-head to the stationary shop after classes.." You looked back up at him a nodded.

"These are really nice..maybe classes will be more fun now!" You said while writing down the notes, he smiled then went back to his notebook.

"How about we head to the shop now Yamaguchi?" You asked getting up from your seat. He nods and follows you out of class.


You turn around to see a girl latched onto his arm, "Yamaguchi-kun! How about we get some coffee and talk?" Her high-pinched voice angered you.

"W-What for..?" He asks trying to get out of grip. "Just to talk! Maybe you can invite Tsukki too!" She says rubbing her hands on his arm. He sighed and got out of her grip, "Sorry. I have somewhere to be." He says walking towards you. He gave you a smile before holding your hand.

"And if you want to know about Tsukishima, ask him yourself." You said giving her a smirk before walking away hand in hand with Yamaguchi.

"Ahh~ it's so nice!" You said walking in the shop, "You come here often?" You ask turning to Yamaguchi.

"Y-Yea..um..so shall we look around?" He asks holding up a small basket, you nod and walk over to the millions of pens.

"Give me your hand." You said holding out yours, he slightly blushes and placed his hand.

You giggled and wrote "Best Middle Blocker".

"I-I'm not the b-best middle b-blocker!" He says hiding the blush, "To me you are." You said holding out your hand. "Write something on my hand!" He took a pen and began blushing once he started writing.

"Best supporter." You said looking at your hand, "Y-Yea...I c-can change it i-if you want!" He says panicking. "No no, I love it!" You said admiring the writing as if it was a ring.

"Y/n do you plan on dressing up for Halloween?" Yamaguchi asks while walking you home, "Well I have a costume in mind but I don't know yet, you?" You ask turning to him.

"Me and Tsukki was planning to dress as vampires, kind of childish.." He says rubbing the back of his neck, "Oh? I don't think it is, I think it's cool!" You said looking back forward.

He looks at you with a surprised face then smiles, "I think so too.."
(Carnival night)

"Y/n! Tadashi's here!" You heard your mom yell and rushed downstairs.

"Wow Y/n...nice costume." Your mom says smirking, "Thanks mom, see you later!" You said grabbing your bag then opening the door to Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

"Y-Y/n..you look...good.." Yamaguchi says with a bright red face. "Thanks! I have the same number as you too!" You said twirling around in the handmade volleyball uniform.

"Yamaguchi..you're drooling." Tsukishima says, "Ah! Um..s-shall we go?" He says hiding the blush. You nod and follow behind the two.

"Y/n! I love your costume!" Hinata says jumping in his ninja costume, "Thanks Hinata, you guys look great as well." You said giving Hinata a piece of candy. He giggled and ran towards Kageyama.

"So now that we are all here, let's head to the haunted house since the line is short." Daichi says looking at the signs. "Alright!!" Nishinoya says jumping up and down, you and the team headed over to the line and went into the haunted house.

"Oh this isn't so ba- OH MY!" Kageyama yells jumping onto Hinata causing him to fall. "Looks like the king is afraid of monsters still." Tsukishima teases, "NO I'M NOT!" Kageyama yells getting back up. You chucked and rolled your eyes following behind the others.

While walking something grabbed your leg, "What the- AH GET IT OFF!" You yelled pulling your leg back. While jumping back you bumped into Yamaguchi causing you both to fall to the ground. "Gomen Yamaguchi!" You said helping him up, "It's alright Y/n, what happened..?" He asks getting up.

"Something grabbed my leg..oh well, it's gone now.." You said catching up to the rest.

"EEP!" Noya yells jumping onto you, "Woah!-" You said trying to balance yourself. "S-Scary Clown.." He says clinging onto you, "Noya! Get off of Y/n!" Sugawara says smacking him in the head. "Oops sorry!" He says getting down, "It's alright." You said before catching up with Yamaguchi.
Author's note~
IM. LOSING. INSPIRATION. AND I STILL HAVENT THOUGHT OF AN ENDINGGGGG T^T oh well I'll figure something out! See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now