"I love you"

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"Please win..." You whispered to yourself, it was the third set. Aoba Johsai was in the lead with 19 points, Karasuno had 17 so they could still catch up.

"Y-Yamaguchi..?" You looked closer, he was called in for a pinch server. His body was shaking, everyone around him was confused and nervous.

"G-Go Yamaguchi!" You yelled, he looked up at you and calmed a bit. "You know him?" You turn to see two guys, one with glasses and a blonde. "I-I'm..his um...girlfriend.." You quietly said at the last part, "I'm Shimada, I helped Yamaguchi with his serves...but...he's not ready.." He says then turning back to the court.

"No worries, he can do it." You reassure the two.

The ball didn't get in.

First thing he did was look up at you. You gave him a smile and a thumbs up for trying. He quickly looked away and walked back into the sides.

"Tsukishima..?" You said turning to see him walking besides you, "Yamaguchi told me to walk you home." You nod and continued walking.

"Are you..sad..?" You ask him, "About what?" He asks keeping his eyes forward. "That we lost.."  You said looking down. "Not really, I mean it was kind of obvious so." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"I-I'm not trying to be rude but...why did Yamaguchi ask you to walk me home..?" You bit your lip waiting for a cold or rude response.

"He said he had to be somewhere, he wanted to make sure you'd get home safe." He explains, moments later you arrived at your house.

"Thanks Tsukishima." You said giving him a small bow, "Anything for a friend of mines." He says before sliding on his headphones then walking away.
(Saturday night)

As you finished washing the dishes your mom came over and handed you her phone.


"Hey Y/n...it's Yamaguchi's mom..I know it's late but maybe you could come over? He hasn't been coming out of his room or eating. I know you guys lost on Friday but he's been curled up in his room. And I believe you're the only one who can help him so..please?"

"O-Of course Mrs.Yams..I'll be on my way." You said then handing the phone back to your mom.

While looking out the window you noticed a shop. "Wait stop." Your mom stopped and looked at you confused, "Be right back." You got out of the car and headed into the convenience store.

"Oh hey kid, just these?" Coach Ukai says scanning the snacks, "Oh and..a box of fries please, thank you." He nods and put all of your things into a bag. You waved goodbye before rushing back into your mom's car.

"Can I come in..?" You asked knocking on his door, "I'm not hungry mom." There was no light coming under the door. "It's Y/n."

You opened the door, it was dark but his lamp helped. "W-What are you d-doing here?" He asks sitting up from his bed, "Well..your mom was worried so.." You said sitting down across from him. "I brought snacks!" You said smiling and holding up the bag, he nods and goes back to his book.

"So..what's going on..?" You ask as the smile on your face fades. "Nothing." He says keeping his focus on the book. "Oh.." You felt as your hand got sweaty and nerves rose up. He notices your anxious face and grips onto the book tightly.

"It was embarrassing..." You looked back up to see tears forming in his eyes.

"Everyone was counting on me b-but I failed..!" The tears fell onto his book, "Y-Yamaguchi..it was only one poi-"

"No it wasn't Y/n! I finally was able to play but I ruined my chance! It was so embarrassing.." His voice rose up and honestly scared you. "D-Don't worry about it Yamaguchi..." You said gripping onto the sheets.


He stops then widen his eyes putting a both hands over his mouth. He looked at you shaking and your hands gripping on the sheets.

"I-I'm s-sorry..I-I didn't mean t-to y-yell.." He says before bursting into tears, "D-Don't leave m-me please.." He says wiping his tears as they kept on coming. It hurt. Watching someone you love crying.

"I will never." You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around your waist and sobbed into your shoulder. "I love you so much Yamaguchi..." He lifted up his head, and you giggled at his face. "I-I love y-you too Y/n.." He says wiping the tears, you handed him a tissue and he thanks you.

"Oh! I brought fries but..they're probably soggy now.." You said pulling out the box of fries from the bag. "O-Oh well..I like soggy fries so.." He says setting his book as side, you smiled and handed him the box. "Don't get hurt over something so small..it wasn't you who brought the team down. Actually no one did! The other side was just tough that's all." You said scooting over next to him.

"Thanks Y/n...I really needed that.." He says smiling then shoving a fry into his mouth.
Y/n's mom POV

"Is that...yelling..?" I turned to the staircase and looked back at her, we both run up the stairs and stood outside the door.


"That boy better not be yelling at her." She placed her hand on doorknob, "Wait." I stopped her.

"It stopped." We listened closely, muffled sobbing was heard.

"I love you so much Yamaguchi."

We both looked at each other, she said the L word!

"I love you too Y/n.."

He said the L word! We both looked at each other in shock. We made our way back downstairs, "I guess your daughter is really something." She says. "She's a strong girl that's for a fact." I said smiling.
Author's note~
Ngl...yamaguchi wouldn't be the type to get THIS sad but I mean..I would be rlly embarrassed so. Btw Yamaguchi's favorite food is soggy fries :)


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