"Make him happy."

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As you were about to fall asleep there was a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see a note stuck onto your shoulder, "Meet me outside." Was written.

You look around to see everyone fast asleep before sneaking out.

You walk outside with a blanket draped over your shoulders, you saw a tall figure and knew who it was immediately.

"Tsukishima..?" You said, the figure turned around and it was him.

"What did you need?" You ask, "You like Yamaguchi right?" He asks. "Why are you asking..?" You became a bit suspicious.

"Just answer the question." He sounded annoyed, "I'm only saying this cause you're his friend, yes I do." You answer.

"Good." You could see him smile a bit in the darkness, "That's it? You made me come out here just for that?" You felt so tired and to come out just for him to ask you one question made you a bit annoyed.

"Might as well tell you since he probably won't but.." He went on about Yamaguchi's last relationship.

A girl had dated Yamaguchi just so she could get closer with Tsukishima, after Yamaguchi found out he grew trust issues. After the incident Yamaguchi didn't dare to talk to any other girls...until he met you.

"So please..if you do end up together..make him happy." Tsukishima says before walking back into the house.

"12 pancakes..?" Sugawara says looking at the pancake mixture, "That's a lot..." You said putting on a apron.

"You don't have to help me Y/n!" Sugawara says heating up the pan, "It's alright, I don't mind!" You and Sugawara continue to make pancakes for the team while they were still asleep.

"Bye Hinata! We had a fun time!" You waved goodbye to Hinata as you and the rest went your separate ways.

"Y/n! Let me walk you home?" Yamaguchi asks running toward you, "Sure thing!" You giggled.

"So..um..are you planning on doing anything next weekend..?" He asks, "Umm..nope! Why you ask?" You began skipping around like a little kid.

"It's gonna be Tsukki's birthday and I was gonna make a cake for him..do you want to come help?" He asks turning to you, "Ooh sure!" He smiles and you begins to walk as you skipped.

"Woah!" You yelled as you tripped on a crack, "Y/n!" Your shoe was stuck between the crack so when you tried to pull yourself back it caused you to fall onto...Yamaguchi.

"Gomen Yamaguchi!" You said pulling yourself up, "A-are you okay Y/n?" He asks, "I'm fine, but what about you? You hit your head pretty hard.." You said as you touched the back of his head.

"Ouch!" He whined, "Come on, I have a ice pack at home." You grabbed his bag and the two of you rushed on home.

Author's note~
Sorry for the late chapter! I've been very busy with school and staring at another screen is gonna make me blind hehe. See you in the next chapter!


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now