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"You owe me $120." Yamaguchi said as you moved your character. "Not fair! That's all of my money!" You said counting your Monopoly money, "I win then." He said giving a small smirk. "You're really good at these games..you play them a lot?" You ask resetting the game.

"Well I played them a lot with my mom when I was little so I guess I became really good." He shrugged his shoulders. You giggled and saw the door open, "Y/n, time to go home." Your mom said entering.

You sighed then both headed downstairs.

"It was so nice seeing you again M/n..maybe we could have dinner again." Mrs.Yams said as both you and your mom headed outside.

"Same here, and I'm pretty sure Y/n would as well.." Your mom said nudging you. "Goodnight Yamaguchi, see you on Monday!" You said waving to him, "G-goodnight Y/n.." He said giving a small smile. You chuckled and sat down in the car.

"I'm so tired.." You yawned sitting down at your desk, "Did you not sleep last night?" Yamaguchi asks. "Eh..I was up watching anime.." You gave another yawn then laid your head down, "You should've slept instead." He said laying his head down with you.

You turn your head facing him, your faces were inches away. You felt your face getting red as you both stared into each other's eyes.

"Alright class settle down." You both lift your head then turned to the teacher.

"We'll be having taking a trip to the history museum, you are told to take notes then work on the project when we get back." The teacher announced, "As always, you'll be working with your desk partners so don't be surprised." The teacher said rolling his eyes.

You looked at Yamaguchi who gave you a light smile, you giggled then went back to the teacher.

"The trip is tomorrow right?" Yamaguchi asks as he was walking you home, "Yea..kind of unexpected.."

"But at least we'll be working together as always." He said ruffling your hair, "Nooo my haaairr!" You joked.

"See you tomorrow Y/n." Yamaguchi says then walking away, "Wait I forgot something!" You said walking back toward him.

As he turns around you quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek then rushed back to your house, "See you tomorrow Yamaguchi!" You quickly said then entering your house.
Next day~

You brought a mini backpack since the teacher said you didn't need anything besides a notebook, phone and pencil or pen.

"You ready?" Yamaguchi says as you got in line for the bus, you smiled then gave him a nod.

"I call window!" You exclaimed rushing to the window seat, he chuckled than sat besides you. He asked what was in your bag and you decided to give in a "haul".

"Pens, a notebook, my phone, money and snacks!" You said pulling out the stuff, "What did you bring?" You asked.

"Well..I was planning on taking notes on my phone and I brought some cash then earbuds.." He explained rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh yea..I forgot you could do that.." You said looking at your phone. He laughed then held your hand, "I'm glad I met you.." He said slightly blushing.

"Same here." You said laying your head on his shoulder.

"This is boring.." You said walking around the museum, "Yea..but it's fun not being in school!" Yamaguchi says taking more notes in his phone. "I guess.." You said continuing to look around.

After 30 minutes of more walking you came upon a gift shop, "Yamaguchi, let's head in there!" You said tugging on his sweater. "Hm? Oh sure!" He said following behind you.

"There's nothing much here.." You said looking around, "Yea..but that means we could use our money on the food!" He said chuckling you nod and left the gift shop.

"I'm so tired.." You said sitting back down on the bus, "Yea..but we can rest on the way back to school." You nod and tried to take a small nap but the talking on the bus was aggravating.

"Here." He handed you a earbud with the other one in his ear, "Thanks." You put the earbud in your ear and fell asleep to the soft music.

The rest of the class time was mostly just to chill and talk until school ended, you and Yamaguchi headed to the gym early since both of you guys didn't have anything to do.

"HINATA BOK- Y/n? Yamaguchi?" You turned to see Kageyama and Hinata in the doorway, "O-oh! H-hey guys.." You said starting to sweat since well..no one knew you and Yamaguchi were dating...

"You guys are here early!" Hinata says setting his bag down, "Oh well we just came back from the class's trip and decided to head here for the rest of the time being.." You said setting the net up.

"Heyo!" Sugawara says entering, "Hey Suga!" You waved. "Y/n! Yamaguchi! You guys are sure here early?" He says changing shoes, "Heh yea.." You pulled out the volleyball carts and watched the rest of the team enter.

As everyone was getting ready to head home, you looked in your bag trying to find your jacket. Damn it..I left it on my bed..You sighed then waited at the door for Yamaguchi.

He came over with his jacket in hand, "Won't you be cold?" You ask. "It's fine, don't want you getting sick." He helped you put on the jacket then kissed your forehead. "Thanks!" You smiled.

Thinking everyone was busy you turned around to the see the whole team with their jaw opened. "WHAAAAAAAAAT?" They all yelled.

Author's note~
Let's just say Tsukishima doesn't pay attention to you and Yamaguchi :)
See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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