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The ball hit the net and fell onto the floor.

"Next one!" You yell to Yamaguchi, than throwing a ball to him.

He nods and went back to practice.

"Y/n!" You turn to see Yamaguchi running towards you, "What's up?" You ask.

"Me and the first years were planning to have a sleepover, wanna join us?" He asks, "When?"

"This weekend at Hinata's place." He answers, "Sure!" You said since you don't really have any plans. "A-also..c-can I walk you home..?" His face reddens, "You don't have too but okay!" He smiles and went to your side.

"I heard Hinata has a dog!" He said, you froze in your tracks and go back to the time where you had gotten bit by one.

"Are you afraid of dogs..?" He asks, "I was never really good with them..so yea.." You confessed.

"I'll tell Hinata, he'll probably let it outside." Yamaguchi said reassuringly, you nod and continued walking.

"I'll see you tomorrow Yamaguchi!" You wave goodbye then open the door to see your mom.

"And he walks you home! I love him already!!" She yells, "Ah! Mom not now!" You push her inside the house than slam the door closed.

You felt your phone buzz.

See you tomorrow y/n. .w.

You smile at the text then ran up to your room.

You and Yamaguchi were going to present next, you felt your nerves go up.

You grab a pill and quickly swallowed it down.

You turn to see Yamaguchi looking at you confused.

"Ah that was a pill go calm down my nerves..I have really bad anxiety.." You said, He nods and went back to the presentation.

"That was scary.." You said sitting back down in your seat, "Yea..but hey at least it's over now." Yamaguchi said looking at the grade.

"So..Y/n..how many fears do you have..?" He asks, "A lot eheh..but my main ones are crowded places and meeting new people." You explain.

"Ah same..I'm not much of a social person.." He says, "Hopefully we'll be able to over come it." You said. "We..?" His face goes red.

"Yep! It's better when you have someone by your side." You both stare into each other's eyes until loud clap came from the teacher causing everyone's attention to the front.

After school, you headed over to your mom's bakery since she said she was gonna need help.

You put on a apron and began "working" .

You and your mom decided to switch places since she got tired of baking.

"Oh my! It's you again! Welcome!" You heard your mom and felt curious on who it was.

"Yamaguchi?!" You said walking over to your mom. "O-oh Y/n..you work here..?" He asks turning over to you. "My mom owns this bakery heh." You said then giving your mom that look. She giggled then walked back to the kitchen.

"So what can I get you guys?" You ask, "Strawberry shortcake." Tsukishima says.

You went and grabbed two slices of the cake then packed them into a box.

"Oh, one is fine!" Yamaguchi says, "My mom wouldn't allow that plus..you're my friend!" You said handing the box.

"On the house!" You gave them a warm smile, they thanked you then left the bakery.

Author's note~
Y/n is a bit disrespectful to her mom 0.0 wowwww. See you in the next chapter!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now