"Just a movie."

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Stopping at your driveway, you saw your mom's car. You sighed then entered the house, luckily she was in her room.

"Sit here, I'll get an ice pack." You said leading him to the couch.

After a while you came back with the ice pack, carefully placing it on his head he flinched but relaxed to the cool touch.

"Y-you know..you didn't have to.." He says, "Oh please, as if I'll let you walk home with this." You teased.

"Let's watch a movie while your head gets better." You said reaching for the remote.

"Are you sure you wanna watch a scary movie..?" Yamaguchi asks, "Yep! I'm not scared are you?" You said. "N-no n-not at all!"

15 minutes into the movie and you were already shaking. "Y/n..are you okay?" He asks "O-oh yea! Definitely heh.." You said hugging your pillow tighter.

A jump scare popped out of no where causing you to shove your face into the pillow. "Y/n, are you sure you're okay?" He asks turning to you, "No.." You said lifting your head out.

He wrapped his arms around you then pulled you close to his chest, "D-Don't worry Y/n! It's just a m-movie.." You could hear his heart beating fast. "Yamaguchi..are you..scared as well..?" You ask lifting your head up to him, "I was just...worried for you.." He says with a worried expression.

"I think I'm okay now.." You said calming your nerves, "Y-you can..hold onto me..if you want.." He says as a pink tint grew across his face. In the end, you ended up hugging his arm for the rest of the movie.

"That was a bad ending.." He said, "Yea..we really went through all of that do nothing-"


You both quickly turned around to see your mom recording you two with her phone.

"M-mom! How long were you there?!" You said quickly getting up. "You don't need to know." She said looking down at her phone.

"Hello Ms. L/n, sorry for intruding." He said getting up. "No worries, what's your name darling?" She asks walking towards the kitchen, "Tadashi Yamaguchi." You stood in shock by how he wasn't stuttering or shaking.

"Ah well would you like to join us for dinner Tadashi?" She asks winking at you, "Mom-

"Ah sorry maybe next time, I don't want my mom eating dinner alone." He said grabbing his bags. "I'll be on my way, thank you for welcoming me." He bows then heads to the door, "I-I'll walk you out!" You said walking behind.

"Goodnight Y/n!" He said waving, "Night Yamaguchi!" You smiled then watch him leave before heading back inside.

"So..this boy huh?" Your mom asks smirking at you, "What about him?" You ask sitting down at the dining table.

"He seems familiar..I just can't put my finger on it.." She said looking through her phone, "When..do you think I can meet his mom?" She suddenly asks.

"Why do you want to see her?" You ask, "Well I just want to meet his mom, who knows if he'll be my son-in-law." You choked on your dinner.

"M-mom! We're not even dating!" You blush by the though of it, "Yeah yeah whatever, just ask him." She said before heading back into her room.
Next day~

"Yamaguchi..can I ask you something..?" You ask turning to him, "Hm? Oh sure, what is it?" He says turning his attention to you.

"S-so my mom..wants to um..meet yours.." You say trying to not look embarrassed, "Really? Well I'll have to ask my mom when she's free, so I'll tell you when I have the time!" He says looking in his planner.

"If not it's fine!" You reassured, "I'll just text you tonight when I get the answer!" He says before going back to his work.

Author's note~
I'm so sorry if they're spelling errors, I wrote this at 3am due to all of my time at school. See you in the next chapter!


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now