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(Y/n's POV)

"I wanted to take you out for your birthday tomorrow." He says while walking you home, "Oh? You don't have too but okay then!" You said arriving at your house. "I'll pick you at 1pm then." He says waving you goodbye, you nod and enter your house.

"Ugh..I was so close!" You said watching bowling ball hit only one pin.

"Next one, you'll get it!" Yamaguchi says going up next, you watched as he hit most of the pins. "I wish I was good as you, maybe bowling isn't my thing." You said shrugging your shoulders.

"I'll help you this time." He says handing you a bowling ball, you nod and got into position. "Like this." He says moving your leg a little and putting his hand on your back, you blush at his touch and rolled the ball forward.

You cheered as the ball hit all of the pins down.

"Teamwork makes the dream work I guess." He says smiling at you, "Definitely!" You said giving him a high five.

"Let's hang out at your place." He says as you walked up to your house, "Oh? Okay then!" You opened the door to your mom smiling to herself. "Hey mom! What are you smiling about?" You asked as you took off your shoes, "N-Nothing! You're so old now that's all!" She says taking a sip of her tea and looking away.

"Hello m/n." Yamaguchi says waving to her, she smiles and waves.

"Let's head up to my room?" You ask, he nods and follows behind you.

You turn on the lights and your eyes widen at the room.

Balloons were floating around with little and big gift bags sitting on your bed and floor. A basket of gifts were on your bed with a sign, "Happy Birthday Y/n!" was written. You turn over to Yamaguchi who was smiling at you.

"D-Did you do this??" You ask pointing to the room, "W-Well I had some help..d-do you like it..?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck. "Like it? I love it! Thank you so much!" You yelled hugging him, "I'm glad you do.." He says hugging you back.

"Go open your gifts." He says turning you back around, you rush over and began opening the bags.

"From Sugawara, Daichi and Kiyoko, they were in on this too??" You ask holding up a birthday card. "Tsukki too...he told me about the places we went today.." You nod and began opening the card.

"I still can't believe you did all of this..was this why Tsukishima was walking me home?" You asked opening the macaroons, "Yea..I had to go with Kiyoko to get all of these stuff.." He explains. You handed him a macaroons and began eating yours.

"I guess I'll put these in here." You got off your bed and pulled a box out from under.

"What's that?" He asks as you opened up the box, "Well..kind of a memory box..come look!" He sat down on the floor with you and looked through the items. You pulled out little things like the keychain from the butterfly museum, a picture from Hinata's sleepover, the love letters, the picture of Yamaguchi "pinning" you to the wall and a picture from the Snow White play.

"Woah..you actually kept all of this stuff..?" He asks holding up one of the love letter, "Of course! Maybe when we're older we can look back on these." You said adding one of the birthday cards. "We should keep on adding to this." You nod and close the box sliding it back under the bed.
(Next day)

"Summer camp? Sounds fun." You said joining in on the conversation, "Oh right, Y/n will be joining us as well." Takeda Sensei says.

"Can't wait to see Nekoma's face when they see we have two cute managers." Tanaka says with an evil grin, "Too bad she's already taken." You felt an arm around your shoulder. You look up to see Yamaguchi pulling you closer to him, you giggled and listened to the rest of the conversation.


You both turned around in shock, Hinata and Kageyama we're running full speed towards you.

"W-What is it?" You ask as they caught their breaths, "Help us study, you guys have the best grades in the hall!" Hinata says handing you their quiz grades.

"48...30...so low..." You says with a worried expression, "Well..we need to study as well but I'm able to help you during practice." Yamaguchi said pulling out a planner.

"Really?! Thank you so much!" Hinata says bowing to you, "I can help you guys with English, I'm pretty good at it." You said scratching your head.

"Thank you! I'll see you guys at practice then!" Hinata says walking away, you wave and looked back at their quiz grade.

"This..is gonna be hard.." You said looking through the questions, he nods and you both made your way to the class.


Before you could even say anything, your classmates crowded around you both.

"Help us study!" "I need help!" "Can you let me copy your notes?"

You grabbed his hand and ran out of the crowd.

"Just cause we have the best grades doesn't mean we have time.." You said leaning against the wall. "Exactly...Tsukki is also smart but I guess he's too intimidating to approach." Yamaguchi says looking back at your classroom.

"Everyone's in their seats, let's head back." You nod and followed behind him.
Author's note~

Future chapters will have a lot of timeskips. Just a heads up! See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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