"Good enough"

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"Does Tsukishima have crush?" You ask laughing, "Haha, nope! He says he's focused on school instead." You both head over to the trash and threw away your empty drinks.

"We'll be heading out now Ms.Smith!" He said waving her goodbye, you gave her a bow then left the shop.

While walking around you guys came across and bridge, you went over to the edge and looked down at the Koi fishes.

"The moon is so bright you could see the fishes." You said giggling, he followed and stood beside you.

"Do you have a crush Y/n..?" He asks turning to you, "Mm..Yep!" You said facing to the moon.

"May I know who it is?" You turn to him and paused..maybe it's time he know...
Yamaguchi's POV~

"Well he's on our team.." Even though it was dark I could see her face getting red. I nod signing she could go on.

"He's tall..."

That meant Noya and Hinata were not it.

"In our class.." My eyes widen, Tsukki...?

"Plays middle blocker.." I felt my heart drop, I should've known I would get hurt again..

"His name is.." She pauses.

"Tsukki..?" I said trying to not let my voice crack, I looked down at my feet trying to hide the tears.

"Yamaguchi.." I looked up to see her smiling at me, she was always beautiful but that night she was so much more than that. "W-wait..r-really..?" I said as my tears rolled down my face.

"Don't cry Yamaguchi..and yes..I really do.." She placed both hands on my face wiping the tears. "I really like you too Y/n.." I placed my cold hands onto her warm hands. "Good because.." She suddenly pulls me in for a kiss, my eyes widen but happiness overwhelmed me as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You sir, just took my first kiss." She said giving smirk, "But I'm happy you did.." she then wrapped her arms around me. "I promise I'll make you happy.." I said hugging her tightly, "You already do.."
Y/n's POV~

You both were mostly walking back home in silence not knowing what to say since..well..you both had feelings for each other.

"So..are we..gonna um..you know...d-date..?" You said breaking the silence but deeply regretted saying that.

"W-well..if you think I-I'm good enough for you.." He said stopping and fiddling with his fingers.

You chuckled and held his hand "You're more than enough, and I'll take that as a yes." He smiled then you both continued walking home hand in hand.

"We're home!" Yamaguchi says entering the house, both moms turns and smirked.

"So..walking her home, feeding her cake, helping her study and holding hands..and letting her wear your favorite hoodie too??" Mrs. Yams said giggling.

"Seems more to me than just friends." Your mom joins in, both being flustered you guys rushed upstairs while the moms giggled.

"So what should we do now?" You ask sitting down on his bed, "Board games?" He said pulling boxes out from under his bed.

You nod and you both went through the games.
Author's note~

See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now