"Milk bread"

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"I'm so nervous.." You said looking at your shaking hands, "D-Don't worry Y/n...I'll b-be here to help you.." He says tying his hair up.

"Okay chefs...open your cards."

You opened your card, Milk bread.

"Doesn't it take like..two hours to make that..?" You ask turning to Yamaguchi, "Yep! But our recipe only takes an hour!" You look up to the see one of the head-chef.

You nodded and rolled up your sleeves waiting for the timer to begin.


You said the recipe out loud for Yamaguchi to grab. You worked on one bowl while Yamaguchi worked on the other.

"Now let it rest in the fridge for 10 minutes." You said before placing the dough into the fridge.

"That was stressful...we have about 40 minutes left.." Yamaguchi says leaning back on the fridge, "Yea..I wonder what others got.." You said looking at the others. Some were freaking out while some were calm.

"They look good!" You said taking the bread out of the oven, "Yea..too bad we can't eat some, all of this is for the judges." Yamaguchi says grabbing three plates.

"Right? Oh well..we can just make some on our free time!" You said carefully taking out the three loafs from the pan.

"Next up, Yamaguchi and Y/n."

You both walked in the room shaking. "H-hello I'm Y/n.." You said bowing, "Y-Yamaguchi." He says also bowing.

"We have a special guest today, you may introduce yourself."

"Yahoo~ I'm Toruu Oikawa, looks like you two made my favorite!" You looked back up to see him looking at Yamaguchi. "Aren't you..from Karasuno..?" Oikawa asks, "Oikawa..?" The two looked at each other in confusion.

"You were on the sides.." Oikawa's face expression suddenly changed, "Y-yea.." You watched as they both stayed silent for a bit.

"Oh well..it was just a practice match, not important. I guess I'll dig into this bread." As he dug into the bread his expression changed once again.


You looked at Yamaguchi who was just as confused, "T-Thank you.." Oikawa looked back up at you and smirked. "Oh? I didn't know number 12 had a girlfriend." You nervously laughed and tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"Well you both did a good job, thank you!" Oikawa said before moving on to the other teams.

"Well now I know how to make milk bread!" You said walking out of the shop, "I didn't know he would be there.." You looked over at Yamaguchi, he looked a bit gloomy.

"Something wrong?" You ask stopping, he stops and goes in deep thought.

"W-What d-do you think o-of Oikawa..?" He began playing with his fingers avoiding eye contact with you. "Well..he seems cool..? I don't really know him so I can't say much, why you ask?" He opens his mouth but no words came out. "I-It was n-nothing, l-let's go.." He began walking leaving you confused.

The walk to your house was silent, he seemed uneasy about something but didn't say.

"I'll see you Monday Yamaguchi.."

He nods then left, usually he would tell you the same but maybe he was just tired...

Throughout class and practice no words were spoken, even Tsukishima was a bit concerned.

"Y/n. Join us for lunch." You look up to see Tsukishima, "O-Oh..okay." You stood up and grabbed your lunch. Yamaguchi was standing near the door waiting, he was a bit shocked that Tsukishima invited you but still didn't speak or made eye contact.

The three of you ate in silence.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." Tsukishima says standing up and leaving.

You picked around your food not feeling hungry while taking small glances at Yamaguchi. He wasn't eating either. His face was dull and had bags under his eyes.

After going back to your boring lunch, you felt eyes on you. Looking back up to see Yamaguchi quickly looking back down.

"You know..whatever is going on...you can always talk to me right..?" You said breaking the silence. "...would you leave me for Oikawa..?"

This was the reason why he's been so quiet...

You sighed then gave a soft smile, "Yamaguchi, my heart is set on you and no one else." He looked back at you and colors were showing on his face.

"R-Really..? I guess I was overthinking... gomen..." You chuckled and held his hand, "No need for the sorry." He smiled then his hair strand popped back up meaning..he was happy.

"You two lovebirds finally talked? Thank god." Tsukishima says sitting back down, you rolled your eyes and finally ate lunch.

"Inter-High Tournament in two days?" You ask turning to Kiyoko, "Yea, hopefully the schools we're playing against will be easy." You nod and continued picking up the volleyballs.

"Kiyoko, Y/n. Come here for a moment." You both turn to see Takeda-Sensei motioning you both over.

"Yes sensei?" You ask walking over to him, "The principal suggested you both do something for the boys to get their spirits up, he gave me this." He handed you a box, it wasn't heavy but there was some stuff.

"I already looked into it, I'm not going go force you if you don't feel comfortable with it." He bowed then walked back to the Coach.

You and Kiyoko looked at each other confused then walked to the girl's club room.

"...Are you serious..."

Author's note~


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now