"Love Letters"

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"WAIT NOO!" You yelled running towards Yamaguchi with a clown chasing behind you.

"Y/n..? What are you- OH WAIT!" He yells before grabbing your wrist and running away with you. "Is it gone..?" You said catching your breath, "I think so..we're near the exit I believe.." He says taking a quick look.

"We lost everyone else, they're probably running for their lives as well.." You look down the hall and saw a tall figure. "Y-Yamaguchi..." You said pointing at the figure, "W-We should go.." He says grabbing your hand. The figure comes closer and closer as you both tried to quickly walk away.

"You guys aren't going anywhere." You both turn to see the figure running towards you at full speed. There was no point in running away since it had long legs, in a blink of a eye Yamaguchi pulled you close to his chest and hugged you. "I-I'll protect you.." You could hear his heart beating rapidly.

"This isn't how a horror movie is suppose to go! We're gonna get out of here!" You said grabbing his wrist and running to the exit.

"We did it.." You said letting go of his wrist, "The team still isn't here yet..should we look around?" He asks patting off the dust on his cape. You nod and head to the stands where kids were asking for candy.

"Scary." You turn to see a kid pointing at Yamaguchi, "I-I'm not scary.." He says then handing them a piece of candy. "I mean you are a vampire after all so.." You teased then went back to the group of kids surrounding you.

"Girl likes vampire." The little girl says pointing to you then Yamaguchi, "Uh..y-yea.." You said slightly blushing. After handing them candy you look back at Yamaguchi, "These are kids but yet they already know about those stuff.." You said sighing. He shrugged his shoulders and followed behind you.
(Monday morning)

While putting your shoes in your locker a envelope fell to the ground.

Strange...You thought before picking it up and reading it on the way to class.

Dear Y/n,
I hope you have a good day today! Seeing you everyday makes my day already, let's head to the gym after class.
-Y. T.

Right when you finished reading the note, you look up from the letter to see Yamaguchi in his seat staring out of the window. He noticed your presence and turned to you, he smiled then saw the letter and blushed.

You chuckled and went to sit down next to him. "Thanks for the letter, made my day already." You said sliding the letter back into it's envelope and placed it in your bag. "R-Really..? I thought i-it was a bit c-cheesy.." He says scratching his head. "I find love letters cute, never knew you'd have the courage to write me one though." You said before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

His face grew red and quickly looked back out the window.
(After class)

You leaned your back against the wall before taking a sip of your juice box.

"What are you doing out here Y/n?" You opened your eyes to see Yamaguchi, "Just taking a small break, who'd knew being manager was gonna be hard.." You answered sighing.

"Now Noya!"

Within seconds you and Yamaguchi's faces were inches away with him pinning you against the wall.


"We got it!"

You both turned your heads to see Tanaka holding up a camera with Nishinoya laughing.

"W-What's going o-on?" Yamaguchi asks taking his arms off the wall, "Blackmail~" Nishinoya says with a smirk. "F-For what?" You ask hiding the blush on your face, "Well..we really want meat buns but Daichi won't buy us anymore so..." Tanaka says sliding the picture in his bag.
Yamaguchi's POV

"Now Noya!"

Suddenly something pushed against my back causing me to fall forward. Luckily I caught myself using my arms but..I was in a position which looked like I pinned Y/n to the wall..

I felt our faces getting red as we stared into each other's eyes.
Y/n's POV

"Embarrassing.." You said handing Noya a bag of meat buns, "WE GOT IT!" He yells hugging the bag.

"C-Can you guys d-delete that picture now.." Yamaguchi asks as they shoved the meat buns into their mouths. "Hm...I guess...fine." Nishinoya says handing you both the picture, "Thank god..although those were expensive.." You said looking at the receipt.

"You two should keep it instead of throwing it away, if it were me and Kiyoko...I would bring it everywhere I go.." Tanaka says dancing around. "B-But it's so embarrassing...it looks like I-I'm..." Yamaguchi says then covering his face with his hands.

"Got some dirty thoughts Yams?" Nishinoya says smirking, "N-NO! Never!" Yamaguchi says with his face growing redder.

"Y-You guys are so...never mind.." You said trying to hide your red face, "Oooh? Y/n too~?" Tanaka says circling around you.

"L-Let's just go.." You said grabbing Yamaguchi's hand then rushing on home.

As the week went on, the love letters continued to come. Most of them was little paragraphs while some had cute drawings.

"Is this us as anime characters??" You asked turning to him, "Y-Yea...I'm not that good at drawing..sorry.." He says growing a bit red.

"Sorry?? It looks amazing!" You said sliding the letter into your bag, he smiles and ruffles your hair. "Thanks Y/n." You slightly blushed and smiled, "No problem Yamaguchi!"
Author's note~

I made an Instagram for my Wattpad updates, add me on there! Also you can ask me questions on there as well or just want to see my updates.

Instagram: _ranposglasses_


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