Chapter 1- Mia Cara

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"Mia cara, faster, per favore! You'll be late for school!" My dear faster, please!  Sky cried to Devika from the kitchen counter. Skyler Fanucci was preparing breakfast for his 6 year old daughter, Devika Fanucci. He was sure that if they stay for another minute, they'll be late for work and school.

"Si Papa!" Yes papa! Running with mismatched pink socks, Devika hurriedly climbed over the high chair and drooled over her breakfast. Sky happily looked over his daughter eating heartily. He sat down in front of her and ate his part as well.

"Your Tia Kiara will fetch you at school later. She will also be with you tonight cara. I'll be working night shift." He said while drinking his coffee.

"Okay Papa." Their apartment door opened and showed up the girl they just talked about. 

"Ughh, this day is super tiring. Good morning Babe. Good morning bella." (Bella=beautiful)  Kiara Martinez went to the person in the table and kissed them both in the cheeks. She sat down on the last chair of the table and started eating.

"Tia Kiara. Papa will be working night shift tonight. Can you watch movie with me?"

"Sure bella. You'll be working late tonight Babe? You just had overtime the other night right?"

"Yeah, the Nurse Lewis called me. Sharon took another absent. I think her father's condition worsens."

"Hey I know your concern and all but could you cut some kindness? They're abusing your goodness Sky. You haven't had a long sleep since last last week." Skyler just nodded. He knew Kiara is right. He is too kind-hearted to his co-nurse at the hospital. He was always the got-to person his colleagues ask if they would take an absent.

"Papa, I'm done. Let's go?" Devika called out her Papa after she brushed her teeth. They bid farewell to Kiara and went off. Sky dropped his daughter at the school gate and immediately flew to the hospital.

He yawned. He was still sleepy because he went home late last night as well. Working as a nurse requires a lot of time. His schedules differ almost every week. That's why he was so thankful that he is living with Kiara.

Kiara, his best friend, is a Spanish lady. She has mestiza skin with perfectly wavy hair up to her elbow. Sky actually has two best friends, Kiara and Astrid. Astrid was his best friend since grade school while Kiara joined them in middle school when she transferred from Barcelona. The three friends decided to take nursing as their college degree. They applied and got accepted in the same school. When they reached 3rd year, they received the saddest news in their life. Astrid has a heart condition. It might be better if she wasn't also pregnant to only-God-knows guy. A mistake she made in a one-night stand. Astrid can't have heart surgery if she is pregnant so they waited until she gave birth. However, Astrid died after giving birth. It was Devika. Astrid made Skyler promised that he will take care of her child. Astrid's parents are both dead and she wasn't close with her relatives so the best person she can trust her daughter is her best friend.

To satisfy her best friend's wish, he kept Devika with him and gave her his last name. His parents agreed as well with the decisions. They knew Astrid and they felt sad for Devika. They always trust Sky's decision. Besides, they knew Sky is a hundred percent gay so Devika is a blessing for him. Sky and Kiara decided to in one apartment so they can share cost of living and they can raise Devika together. They really love this girl. She is so much like her mom. She has blond straight long hair, round face shape, upturned deep brown eyes, straight shaped nose, thin lipped and with white complexion. Astrid is a short girl but Devika is tall for her age so they assumed her father is tall.

He went out the cab and went straight to his locker. He changed his clothes into uniform and headed to the nurse's station.

"Had trouble sleeping Italian boy?" Eunice, his colleague, asked him.

Skyler is half-American, half-Italian. His mom is American and his dad is Italian. He was born in New York but when he reached college, his parents went to Italy to live there permanently. Sky was just taking vacation in his parent's house when he has time. He didn't grow up in Italy but he knows how to speak Italian. He also teaches Devika how to speak Italian.

"Nahh, My shift was up to 11 pm last night and I had to be here early in the morning." He said groggily.

"I'm really sorry for calling you up Sky, we are really short of people." Nurse Blaze Lewis, his head nurse inserted.

"It's okay Blaze. I'll be fine. But I'll take an absent this Friday okay? I need to go to Devi's school. I haven't asked her teacher about her needs since the start of class last week. I'm a horrible parent."

"You surely are a great dad Sky." Eunice tapped his shoulder and they started their rounds.

In this hospital, only Nurse Lewis, Eunice, and Sharon know that he wasn't Devika's biological father. Many employees thought that Devika is his and Kiara's daughter since Kiara also work in the hospital but in other station. Skyler looks like just another beautiful man so they didn't know he was also gay.

The day went tiring but well. He asked for a 10 minute break to grab some coffee in the nearby café. He already had his dinner but he felt so sleepy so he badly needed one.

''Good evening Sir! What can I get you?" the girl in the counter asked while trying to flirt with him. He felt gross. Girls were never his pick.

"I'd like to have Caramel Macchiato please. Grazie" Thank you. As the barista walked to take his order, he was looking at the coffee-colored interior café. The ambiance is great for studying or taking breaks. The place is also great for late night dates. He just don't have time. 

"What the fuck is this?" He turned to the pissed guy beside him. Is he blind not to see the line or his parent didn't teach him to properly fall in line? He said in his mind.

"Ahh Sir. I-its –"

"I ordered chocolate coffee Latte. Not Macchiato" He cut in furiously.

"It's mine." Sky interrupted. The tall, good built guy with grey eyes in formal suit looked at him quizzically.

"Excuse me?"

"I said it's mine. You should have asked her first whose drink is that and not just get it right away."

"I'm a regular cu—"

'"I don't care if you're a regular customer or you're the owner of this fucking café. You still should have grown some manners and ask. Or better yet take a queue and wait for your goddamn coffee even if its ordered. Now change my drink figlio di puttana." Son of a bitch He snarled. He was so sleepy, tired and pissed and its not a good combination. He seriously needs the coffee but right now, the guy in front of him made his blood boil so he wasn't that sleepy anymore.

The guy looked at him unbelievably. He never met a small guy with a very bad temper in his life. Does he have a death wish? He wasn't sure if this guy was intentionally looking for trouble or he only just wants his coffee.

"What?" the guy said in disbelief. The guy was still holding his coffee. Sky rolled his eyes and looked back in the counter.

"Oh Dio Santo! Sei scemo." Oh my god. You're stupid. He grabbed the coffee which he supposed the coffee pre-ordered by the guy who drink his Macchiato, left the payment for his Macchiato in the counter and walked out the café.

He still wanted to pick fight to that guy but his 10 -minutes break is almost over. He didn't like latte but he needed coffee to last for this night.

"Ehhh" he said in disgust. "That guy is much gay than me. Who drink Chocolate Latte at this time of the day? E uno stronzo" He's an asshole He whined. He went back to the station; still very pissed that he was drinking latte instead of his macchiato.

Luckily, he lasted all night and went home around 3:30 am. Though sluggish, he eventually went home in one piece. He immediately went to his daughter's room and kissed his sleeping princess. He went to his room and brushed his teeth. His mouth still taste like Latte.

I will not go back to that café again. I don't want to meet that stupid guy. He said to himself before he drifted in oblivion. 


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