Chapter 5- Exception

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Caden made himself so busy the following days. He wanted to be distracted. He doesn't really understand why he was so affected by Sky being gay. Maybe he was disgusted by giving coffee to a gay, maybe was disgusted befriending a gay or maybe he was disgusted by knowing Sky was dating that other gay. I don't care. He convinced himself. But as he promised, he won't do anything stupid. Yale was an asshole before he knew Kiara. Kiara changes his best friend in a good way. Maybe he can too.

After reading and signing proposals and documents, he breathed heavily. It was getting dark because it's gonna rain soon but he can still see how the sun kissed the sea as it went down.

"Boss. I've gotta go. You'll go home after right?" Caden frowned at him. It's been a hell of a week for the both of them so they had planned to have dinner together.

"Aren't you supposed to have a dinner with me?" he asked.

"Was that today? No, it's tomorrow boss. I'm going to Kiara's place. I know you'll say no because Sky might be there but as a sign of respect, I'll still ask you. You wanna come?


Sky opened their door. God, I'm so tired. He immediately takes off his shirt and lay on their couch.

"Mia Cara! Babe! Sono a casa!" I'm home He tossed his bag on the side and put his hand over his head. In eyes close, he heard his daughter running from the dining area.

"Benvenuto a casa Papa! Mangiamo! Mangiamo!" Welcome home papa! Let's eat! She kissed him.

"SPEAK ENGLISH Please. My god, you're both stressing me!"

"Come on Sky, eat with us" He opened his eyes flew towards the voice. It was from Yale. If Yale is here, does that mean.. Before he could have finished the sentence in his head, he saw a guy emerging from the dining area looking at him. Cazzo, he's here.

Sky already knew that Caden was aware of Devika's story and his gender preference. After the dinner of the four, he never heard Kiara talked about Yale. That means Caden was avoiding him so he won't tag Yale along. He was okay with that better than hearing Caden's offensive statements.

"Ahh Sto bien.. I'm still full, Grazie. Mia cara, Papa ha sonno, faro un sonnellino. Okay?" Papa is sleepy, I'm going to take a nap  He stood up and picked his uniform over the table.

"Tu vas a comer, Babe, te guste o no." You're going to eat, Babe, whether you like tor not. When Kiara speaks in Spanish, he complies without question or whining. That means she very very serious about that and you need to follow her. He actually understands what she says because that's what her abuela always says during the time they lived with her.

"Okay okay.. Chill. Let me get dress okay?" he went straight to his room. He sighed. Another awkward moment. Why would he be here if he hates gay? He thought for a while. Did he make me an exception? Nahhh, don't be ridiculous self. HE LOATHES GAYS. He scolded himself. He wore extra large violet shirt and mid thigh cotton shorts then he went out.

Caden felt hot the moment he saw a naked body and flushed face flaunted in the couch. I can't really stand gays. I need to go now. Why did I ever say yes anyways?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I need to go now. I remember I need to do something." He announced to everyone in the table. They were waiting for Sky. Yale was about to say something but Devika cut in.

"Won't you eat with us? You don't like Papa, do you?" Caden almost stopped breathing as he heard Devika's question. She sounds sincerely sad. I won't be coming next time. I swear.

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