Chapter 3- Spilled Coffee

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"We met at the café. We unintentionally interchange our coffees." Caden said simply, giving no other details. Sky felt thankful for him for not opening up how bad his temper that night. He was just so sleepy that he began bitching around.

"But it sounds like you interchange your coffee at the bad time." Sky rolled his eyes as Kiara pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah." Sky answered swiftly. A sudden bump on his back startled Sky. His shirt went wet from what the guy was spilled over the back of his shirt.

"Mi dispiance! Oh God, I'm so sorry." The guy panicked over his fault. An Italian? Oh not, but he knows to speak Italian? I'll try. 

"Van tutto bene. Non ti pre occupare, sto bene. " It's okay. Don't worry, I'm alright. He looked and smiled at him. He was happy to bump who knows how to speak Italian. It's rare for him, not that he is always outside. The guy grabbed a tissue with trembling hands.

"Hey, it's okay. Stop fidgeting. A spill won't kill me." He teased the guy. The guy stopped and looked at him innocently. He's cute.

"Come posso rimediare?" How can I fix it? He said worriedly.

"No, sto bene, davvero" No, I'm alright, really. He beamed a smile.

"I think he said alright already. Would you two cut it? You're making a scene." Caden interrupted. 

Caden was actually pissed that Sky was smiling at the guy. He looks like he's gonna murder me when I accidentally got his coffee but now he looks so happy with the guy who spilled him a coffee. Great. I should have spilled him then. He thought.

Sky looked around. Some of the customer's were looking at them. The guy looked at Caden.

"Ohh, I'm Sorry." He turned his attention back to Sky. "Ahm, I really feel bad about your shirt. I'll buy you another shirt. Posso avere il tuo numero?" Can I get your number?  The guy gets his phone.  

"Se é questo che vuoi per sentirti meglio, okay." If that's what you want to feel better, Okay.

He gave his number and the guy muttered another sorry before he went away. He then received a text. By the way, Sono Shawn. (I'm Shawn) He smiled at his phone and shook his head.

"Are you alright babe? He had a coffee spilled on you." Kiara asked him.

"It was not hot." He is the hot one. He added to himself. He looked at Caden who seemed to be annoyed.

"So what language was that? Italian?" Yale started a conversation when they started eating.

He nodded. "My father is Italian so I'm half."

"That guy was Italian, you think?" Kiara asked. 

"He doesn't look like one. I think he learned it and he thought I am Italian by the way I look." Sky was too obvious for Kiara. He answered her a little bit cheerful.

"He looks gay." With utmost surprise, Sky and Kiara looked at Caden. Sky was definitely hurt. He felt like he was punched in the guts. Caden sounds extremely homophobic.

"And what's wrong being gay by the way?" He answered him with controlled voice. He is furious. He wanted to smack Caden's head and tell him to go fuck himself.

"They're... annoying. I plainly hate them. Why would they even exist?" Sky almost stood up and punched Caden but Kiara, with calm expression, held his hands tightly under the table. Sky heavily breathed as he tried to calm himself. Cazzo Io odio questo tizio!  (I fucking hate this guy!)

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