Chapter 7- Beach

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Sky's excitement died and was replaced with a feeling he can't exactly fathom. Along the way, the couples in front chattered different topics until they reach their destination. He was listening, or at least pretending to listen. The sun was up and faint remnants of cloud formation were still evident in the blue sky. A perfect weather for a perfect getaway, indeed. He was just not in his perfect mood. They got off the car and went to the front desk of the resort.

"Good morning Maam Sir. Welcome. Do you have any reservation?" The blonde lady spoke as her lashes battered almost fiercely to both of the boys. Kiara held her boyfriend's arms tightly.

"Ahh yes I did, please check the reservation of Yale Thomas." He said to the lady. "Oh shit, I forgot to change the reservation. I reserve two rooms only. I thought Caden's not coming so I reserve only 2 rooms. Ah miss, is there still available room?" He turned his attention to the front desk after telling them the situation.

"Ohh I'm sorry Sir. There is no available room left." Yale turned his attention to his companion.

"Aww" Kiara made face thinking. She cannot leave the Sky together with Caden. As much as she wanted to stay with Yale, she's afraid of Caden bullying her best friend and allowing him to sleep in the cold floor. Maybe she is a little paranoid or has watched too much movie but she would not take risks. "So Sky and I will take one room and you and Caden can take the other."

Sky looked at his best friend. He was sure this is not what they imagine to happen. He also looked at Yale but he saw no sign of any emotion.

"Why? You can take Yale with you. Sky and I will take the other one." Caden gazed at Sky. He was sending signs of agreement to him. After all, Caden was thinking they already had slept on one bed the last time. 

Sky was hesitant. He was confused of what Caden is thinking. "Are you sure Caden?" Caden nodded.

"I know you're my boyfriend's boss and best friend. But if you torment my best friend and let him sleep on the floor just because he's gay, we'll go home straight and this is the last time we'll see each other. Sky.. Llámame, entiendes?" Call me, understand? Sky nodded, still confused.

"Hey. Sorry for giving you that impression Kie but I'm not gonna do that. I swear. Why would I make him sleep on the floor?" Kiara was staring at him with blades and daggers before she turns her look away.

They finished their transaction and received the card key to their respective rooms. Caden opened the door while Sky is spacing out a lot. He was seriously nervous.

"So.. Where am I going to sleep then?" He said softly. He placed his bag on a chair while Caden occupies the bed for a while. A little space is a need for now so he can properly think.

"In the bed?" Caden answered, not sure of why the topic is being raised again.

"And you?"

"Bed as well. Look, if you're so bothered about me being in one room with yo-"

"I am not. I .. I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I don't want to feel like you're bothered having me around."

"I'm not. You don't remember, do you?" Sky gave him a what? look. "Sky, I already sleep beside you the last time so I don't give a shit about sleeping beside you again. No harm done okay? Let's just enjoy this break." Sky tried to take his words in and after, he breathed in relief. He relaxed and smiled but was gone in an instant when he remembers something.

"So, you know, i really don't remember,  did I sleepwalk to my room that night or you..." He held back his words not sure what perfect words to fill in.

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