Chapter 22- Truth

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"What did he told you?" Caden asked. He arrived at the right time, he guessed. Blaze was about to touch his crying lover so he ran faster than he thought he can.

Caden was sensing it something that can bother Sky so much. Ever since they started driving their way to school, Sky was noticeably silent. He was so bothered by whatever the head nurse feeds him.


"Don't fucking lie to me Sky." He was mad. Caden tried his best not to lie on him but now he was obviously lying to his face.

"He said he likes me."

Caden gripped the steering wheels tighter but he still didn't talk. He knows there's more to what he said now. Sky understands Caden's silence. He wants to know everything. Honestly, no hidden statements.

"He likes me a lot that he can't get over me since he can see me everyday. He said..... He can be a better boyfriend than you are."

"You believe that bullshit?" Sky went mute for minutes. He was contemplating the weight of the truthfulness Blaze stated and the weight of what he felt for the guy beside him.

"I don't know." Caden stopped the car causing Sky to thrust forward. Caden gripped the driving wheels very tight the veins in his hands started to show off and it scares Sky just by looking at it.

"What else did he told you?" Caden continued driving.

"Can we talk it at home? Let's get Devika first then we can talk it through" Sky begged. He knows a hundred percent that this is not going to this easy. Caden understood so they drive to school without saying a word.

"DADA!! PAPA!!" Devika run towards her Dada. Caden leveled himself to Devika and open his arms for her. Sky smiled. It was what he exactly imagines. Again, Imagine.

"Papa, did you cry?" Caden and Sky looked at each other.

"Yes, one of the patients in our hospital died." He kissed his daughter and entered the car. Caden placed Devika in the passenger seat.

"Papa, perché mi hai mentito? Avete litigato?" Why did you lie to me? Did you two fight? He breathed in. He was about to cry again. Am I that transparent to them? He faced Devika.

"Non Mia Cara. Mi dispiace mentito. I'm fine, don't worry. It's not something a good talk can't cure."

"Better not sleep when you're mad. Angry spirit will eat your soul Papa. Talk to dada if you don't want to talk to me." Sky smiled and looked at his now at ease boyfriend.

"I will Mia cara." Devika finds chocolate beside her chair. Caden bought that after he went out of his office for her.

They stopped as the green turned to red traffic light. "Dada, are you going to sleep in the house? Or you're bringing Papa with you?"

Both of them looked at her. "How can you say that?" Caden asked.

"Hmm, Tia Kiara watches movies like that. I asked her why does they always go away when they talk. She said they don't want the kids to hear them quarreling. Its good parent's thing she said."

"Can I bring Papa Sky to my house?"

"Si Dada, Tio Yale and Tia Kiara can watch movie with me. I want to watch horror. Annabelle."

Sky smiled weakly. I'm glad I have friends. "Tia Kiara don't watch horror."

"But Tio Yale loves horror. I like him." She smirked and giggled.

"Okay. I'll ask your Tia Kiara if she wants to." Sky knows by now that Kiara would say yes. 

"Ahmm, but first can we stop at Mcdonalds. I'm starving Papa, Dada. Can we?" Sky looked at Caden. Caden just smile.

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