Chapter 4 - Is Sky... gay?

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"Hey, did you order coffee?" Sky stopped his paces in the hallway as Eunice asks him. His duty hours started not long ago so he is busy visiting wards.

"What? No." He's confused. Did Kiara bought me drinks?

"There's a cup of coffee in the nurse's station. It's for you. Drink it before Ashton finishes it."

Mystified, he went straight to the Nurse's station and saw a cup of coffee on the side. There's a sticky note glued to cup. 

Nurse Skyler, I knew I messed up on our first encounter and it badly affects the last time we met. Please accept this coffee as a sign of my apology. I wanted us to come in good terms for Yale and Kiara. Have a nice day ahead.- Caden

He smiled. That sneaky bastard. Didn't he feel I'm gay? Tsss. He shook his head and sipped his coffee. Caramel Macchiato. He remembered. He finished his drink and work the day away.


"Boss, what are you thinking?" Yale interrupted Caden's day dreaming. Caden frowned at him.

"I was just thinking something." He turned his attention back to the paper works in front of him.

Yale smiled. He must have not known Sky is gay. "The coffee isn't it?" Caden abruptly glanced at him. Bulls-eye boy. He thought.

"You think he receive it?" Yale almost laughs when he asked him with sincerity.

"Why you're so concern about that?" teased Caden.

"You told me to be in good terms with him for you and Kiara, right?" he retorted annoyed.

"Ahh yeah.." Yale acted knowingly. "Do you want me to ask Kiara?"

"No. don't care if he gets it or not." He cares. He focused himself back to his paper works.

Caden Mckintosh owns a hospital and bunch of clinics in the country. It's not the hospital where Sky and Kiara work. He studied medicine but stopped to manage the biggest clinic of his father. Years passed with his success; he has able to build his own hospital and branch out the clinics of his father.

Yale is the personal assistant and secretary of Caden. He is also his personal bodyguard and of course, his best friend. But even so, he owns shares in the hospital which was the reason he can talk back to Caden. He was with Caden since Caden took over his father's position. They become best buddies and had fair share of troubles together.

"By the way boss, I'll pick up Kiara and Devika later and we'll have dinner. Are you gonna come along?"

Caden raised his brows. "Why would you tag along the kid on your date?"

"Her father is working night shift tonight. No one will take care of her." Caden nodded in acceptance.

Yale knows that Caden would tag along if he mentions anything related to Sky. Ever since Caden saw Sky in the café, he knew Caden always makes sure he drops by there. Caden reasoned him by saying he need to say sorry but Yale felt different. Sky may not dress up like girl but he looks feminine. His body can be categorized as petite for males. His face is small round shape placed with cognac colored eye, perfect brows, pointed nose and spotless face skin. His skin is white and so soft that you know he really take care of it. If he dresses up like girl, Caden will surely fall for him in an instant.

However, Caden is a solid homophobic. He hates anything related to gays. He avoids passing gay bars so he can't see gays. He won't listen to gay singers and he didn't like to see gay employee. If he learns that one of his employees is gay, he will surely find a way to eliminate them.

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