Chapter 10- Breakfast

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When they arrive, they went straight to the kitchen. There was food left-over of Devika and Kiara.

"You make toasted bread and coffee. I'll fry bacon and egg. Would that be enough? Or you preferred oatmeal or pancakes in mornings?" Caden actually preferred fruits in the morning but since he was the one who suggested having breakfast, he thinks it's much better if he eats.

"No, I'll do toasting and coffee. You fry." They agreed. They do it in a comfortable silence until they finished. They sat face to face and started eating.

"Can I ask?," Caden started a conversation. "Does Devika looks like her mother?"

"Yeah. She was like her mini me except that Devika is tall for age. Only a few people know about her life. I'm actually brunette but I want to have a similarity with her so I always dye my hair blond. I don't want her getting bullied. "

"Was it hard?"

"Yeah, but seeing her grew up like who she is right now, smart, adorable, and kind, I don't think I ever made the best decision in my life until she came."

"Kiara told us you gave up everything."

"I think both of us sacrifice pretty the same. Devika just had my surname because I want Kiara to find her forever." He sighed. "It's better that way. I'm gay and I have a kid already. What else can I ask for?"

"You had a...boyfriend." It still sounds foreign to him saying that word in front of a guy.

"Ahh, Who was that then? Ahh Tyler. Yeah. He's a great guy but I let him go. I don't want to burden him. We are both young and I have a kid with me. I want him to have a life."

"You sound like you broke up with him. I thought he was the one who broke up with you?"

"Yeah.. but I gave him a reason to end it. I let him think I don't have time with him which is partly true. Then I went to a bar and made out with someone knowing he was there. He saw it and I succeeded. We broke up after. If I hadn't done that, he would probably here. He really likes me you know. I just had to let him go."

"Devika knows that, doesn't she?"

"Yeah" he chuckled. "How did you know?" 

"Just guessing." He paused to take a sip of his coffee. "Bet that girl knew everything 'bout you"

Sky nodded enthusiastically. "I had a fight with Kiara one time. He hooked me up with a guy. She set a blind date for me so of course, I wasn't prepared and yeah I can't just go home. He's nice but you know. When I came home, she was so happy and I didn't see the reason why she was so happy and desperately setting me up with some random guy. We had a fight and she opened up the Tyler issue. Devika heard her when she said Tyler would still be here if I hadn't been stupid breaking him up just because of Devika. Devika went to her room and cried all night. That morning, she kept saying sorry to me. It breaks my heart that she felt responsible. It was my decision not to date anyone that time."

"That time? So you're ready now?"

"Hmm, yeah. I thinks so. You know Shawn, right? The guy who spilled his coffee on me in the restaurant. He was showing off now. I wasn't sure if he's serious but I was thinking Devika would want me to date someone."

"So you'll gonna date him just because Devika wants you to and not you want to?" Caden frowned as he realizes. I don't know if this guy was so considerate or just idiotically selfless. He thought.

Sky sighed. "Something like that. I mean, Shawn is a nice guy and all but I don't... seem to like him enough to be in relationship with him. But I saw her excitement when she saw me texting Shawn. And you're right, she knows everything cause I don't keep secrets on her. And she was like 'Papa, you should go date him'. Hayy, I think it would make her less guilty if I am gonna date someone after these years. I really don't know what to do now."

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