Chapter 31- Italy

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"Are you done kissing?" Devika asked innocently. They break up their kiss and laugh. Devika removed her hands after hearing them laugh. 

"What happen Dada, Papa? Who is that lady and man?" Caden pulled her to put her on his lap.

"They are my parents. They knew about me and papa Sky."

"Wooahh.. Is that the reason they look mad?" She gasped. "They don't want you to be together, do they?" No one answered her so she assumed she's right. "Ohh that's sad. Very sad." The couple looked at each other. Devika got teary eyed.

"Are you so sad about that, Cara?" Caden asked her.

She nodded, still bowing her head down. "I love you Dada and Papa together. You love Papa, Papa loves you. We love each other. But papa said we should follow our parents so it's sad." She said in whiny little voice. Her little face drew all the pain she felt inside. She is trying her best not to cry so she's blinking her tears away and pouting her lips. Caden felt her sadness.

"You hear her Sky? She will be sad. I will be sad. What good could it give if we broke up? You want to see us sad?" He sounds like a child s he didn't hold back his rolling eyes. 

"No, of course not. It's just that... your business is precious to you. You sacrifice a lot to make it grow. And now, the clinic where you started all of this is gone."

"It was never been mine to begin with Sky. You are mine from the beginning. No one owns you so it's a different thing." His mushiness is not helping me any bit. 

"Are you sure Caden? Your parent will hate you. You are straight Caden."

"I don't know what I am now, Sky. I am not straight but only for you. If, maybe there is a term to describe me, it's S-K-A-Y. It means gay for Sky and Sky only." Caden laughed at his lame joke but went serious back again. "Seriously, I know my parents will hate me. But, I will learn to hate myself if I will let you go." Sky hugged the both of them.

"Ahmm, the ice is melting. Can I interrupt now?" Sky chuckled at Yale and gestured him to come. Yale handed the ice pack to Caden and Caden gently put it in the redden area. Devika went to her Tio Caden.

"That was quite a bold move Caden huh?" Yale said.

Caden looked at Yale and cockily said "The things you do for love, I guess." He continued to apply the ice packs to Sky. Sky flinches every time he felt the cold thing on his cheek. It stings. 

"It's gonna be a long month for you." Sky told him. 

"It always has been."

"Are you busy this month Dada? You're not coming with us to Italy?"

Caden wanted to go but with the issues at hand, he didn't think he can make it. Surely, detaching his father's clinic to his other clinics and hospital and renaming it would take a long process.

Sky understood Caden's uncertainty. "Cara, Dada will be so busy this month so Dada can't come. Hmm, what about Dada not coming with us to Italy but before summer ends, we'll fetch you and we all go to Japan together with your Tia Kie and Tio Yale? We'll go to Doremon theme park too if you want."

She smiled. "Its okay Dada, papa.. We can still go next year right?"

Caden sighed in relief. "Yes. Next year and the other year and many years to come. We can also go there this year's Christmas." Sky felt shivers as he said many years to come. More than anything else that happens today, Caden is still on his side supporting him and making sure he felt how he loves him. The things we do for love. He smiled. 

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