Chapter 21- Fight

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~When is your out?~~About 3 pm guess~~ Let's fetch Mia cara~~Okay~ Sky was on his station. He recently had done his rounds so he stops on his station to reply Caden's text.

"You gotta fetch Devika later Sky?" Nurse Blaze approached him. He smiled at him warily and put down his phone.

"Yeah. I told her I'll be."

"'Kay.. I'll give you a ride."

"What? Ahm, No. Somebody will fetch me." Nurse Blaze just smiled, shrugged and left him standing in the station. What was that? He's creepier than I ever imagine. I'm definitely not gonna stay for long.


"Mierda Kiara. You're giving me heart attack."

"I've been calling you since I got here. What's eating you up? Are you okay?" She faced her best friend with crossed arms.

He sighed. "Nurse Blaze is giving me hard time. I told Caden about him. He knows everything now."

Her eyes grew wide. Damn, their relationship is more serious than I thought. "Oh my gosh, what did he say? Is he mad?"

"He was so furious babe. He wanted me out of this hospital. " He blushed when remembers what happen to that night. He had hard time standing properly the next day. Making Caden mad is one hell of a night after. It made him energetically horny.

"Bet you had angry sex after the talk seeing that furious red in your cheeks" She rolled her eyes on him. "But let's be on the topic, so he wanted you out? How did you deal with that?"

"I tell him to trust me. I know he will. He loves me." He smirked but laughed it after. It makes him happy thinking about it.

"Hoooooo! The confidence. Let's see how long you will be staying here. Yale was asking me to transfer too but I told him I'm not gonna leave you. Blaze is scary." He was touched by her words. He knows he can always count on her at all times. One true loyal friend is worth more than a hundred temporary friends. He just need one right now. And Kiara is the perfect one. 

"Ti amo Babe." He kissed her on her cheeks.

"Yo también te quiero Babe."

"Hey lovebirds, back to your work now!" They both laugh as Nurse Vivica called them out.

After his shift, he hurriedly went to his locker and changed his clothes. He's praying hard that his head nurse went home before him. He texted his best friend goodbye before he went in front of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Caden was sure he could be stuck on a traffic jam if went this way but this is a shorter way to the hospital. So he decided to give Skyler a call so he'll just meet him in front of Devika's school.

"Caden? Where are you?" Sky answered.

"Amore. I'm near but I think I'll be --" he stop talking as he heard someone talking to his Amore in the background.

"~Come on, Devikas waiting for you there.~"

Son of a bitch. He recognized the owner of the voice.

"Caden, are you still far--"

"Don't dare ride on that guy's car." He voice turned deadly.

"You heard? I know but Devika's going to--"

"Commute. I'll pay for your fee"


"No buts. Wait a bit. I think I can find a faster way. Don't you dare get inside his car. Wait for me."

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