Last Chapter- Japan

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A/N: Take time to read Author's note..Rant..words.. i don't know.. at the bottom of this chapter. But for now, enjoy this last chapter. 


Before the summer ends, Caden and Sky went to Italy to fetch Devika. They will go to Japan right after, as planned. They just met their parents at the airport and took a lunch with them before they board a plane to Japan. Kiara and Yale are going to wait for them there.

The airplane finally stepped on the Land of the Rising Sun after hours of boarding. Both Sky and Caden felt a little nausea and back pain from sitting too long because of the flights they take. But they have to, for Devika. Devika had a hard time composing her self. Its getting darker but Devika is so energetic. This was just her dream, and here she is. Seeing her happiness now can heal all the pain they felt physically.

"Dada, oh my gash!!! I am so excited." She moves a lot when the airplane stops. She is in between Sky and Caden. 

"I know Cara. Sit still. We'll wait for the attendants instruction okay?" She nodded eagerly.

"Are Kiara and Yale waiting for us?" Sky asked Caden 

"Yes they are. Let's take some rest for tonight so we can enjoy the day tomorrow."

"Promise me you'll give me rest. I don't believe you and your 'rest'."

Caden chuckled understanding his concern. "Yes I promise. I am so tired too." They went off the plane and Kiara and Yale awaits them outside. They took their lovely dinner and went to their hotel rooms. There reserve two rooms, one for each couple. Devika sleeps in between the both of them.

Morning came and Devika wakes them up. She was bouncing up and down in their bed. "PAPA, DADA!! Svegliati!! Come on! Let's go to Hello kitty!!"

"Stop bouncing Mia cara!"

"Papa! Aren't you excited? Its gonna be your first travel here too. Oh! I'm gonna take a bath." She ran to get her towel and went to the bathroom.

Caden rolled towards Sky and hugged him tight. "Good morning Amore."

Sky hugged him as well. "Boungiorno Amore. God, I'm still sleepy. The travel's taking toll on me."

Caden distanced a bit so he can look at Sky's eyes. "I can wake you up. I know some moves."

"Shut up Devik-- hahahahaha" He burst into laughters when Caden tickled him to death. "Stop... hahahaha.. Stop.. Ohh myyy gossh..Stop" He continued to squeal.

"Are you awake?" Caden asked, still tickling him.

"Yess. Please stop.." His phone rung and he answered it. "Boungiorno Kiara."

"Sky my gosh, Can you both stop having sex for awhile? Devika is there and your voice can be heard up until here outside you door. Anyways—"

He cut off Kiara to clarify the accusation. "We didn't do anything. Caden tickled me to wake me up."

"Whatever. So, tell Devika make her come in our room, we won't lock it, so I can make something for her hair."

"Okay, Roger that. Bye." He hung up. He looked at Caden faking an angry face.

"What did I do now?"

"You make me scream."

"I always do. It's my lifetime goal. To make you scream for pleasure."

"Shut up. Get off me. I will ready my bag." He throw the arms hugging him.

Devika ran back to the room after taking a bath. Sky dressed her up and told her to go to Tia Kiara's room so she can do her hair. The little girl ran again and left Caden and Sky in the room.

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