Chapter 30- No doubt

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Days and days past and as of now, a normal day for all of them. Kiara and Sky on duty. Devika at school making the most out of it since summer is right around the corner and she will be transferring school next school year. Yale and Caden in their office.

Kiara and Sky are walking back to their station to take a break before they do their follow ups for their patients. The hospital is not full of patients but still there are few passing by.

"Sky. Someone's finding you." One of their friends called his attention. They looked at each other and they frowned. Sky doesn't have many friends. "You know who's finding you?" Kiara asked.

"Negative. Come on lets find out." When they reached the station, they saw few nurses in the station. But Kiara recognizes someone standing and waiting in the station. She felt horrified.

"Dios mio." Kiara exclaimed. She immediately took her phone and texted Yale. She knows them. Yale showed their pictures to her not long ago. She presumes Sky doesn't know because Sky continuously walks towards the station. Damn Sky, Stop walking. Yale, please come!

"Someone's finding me?" Sky casually asked the on-station nurse. They looked wary and Sky didn't understand why.

"Are you Skyler Fanucci?" a sophisticated woman around mid-50's asked him. Beside her is an old man who he supposed is her husband. He is in black suit and leather shoe. Rich.. Maybe a parent of my patient. 

"Yes Ma'am. How can I help---" He stopped mid-way as she slapped him right on his face. Sky's mind stopped working from the impact. He was shocked and dumbfounded and beyond exasperated. He looked down his feet with tears are threatening to come out.

"You whore! You seduced my son! How dare you make my son gay like you?!! Haven't you know, you homos are not allowed here! Get out of this hospital. Get out!! Filthy species." Caden's mother kept shaking him until she pushed him to the floor.

Nurse Jen went in the middle. "Maam, please stop. This is a hospital premise. The patie-"

"I don't fucking care about the patients. We own this hospital and this cunt should be—"

"Stop! Mom, stop." After hearing Caden's voice, Sky burst into silent tears. "Oh God Sky, are you okay?" Caden stood him up while he was still holding his face from the slap he received. He checked his cheek and saw an evidently obvious red. "What the! Mom, what the hell?" He faced his mother furiously.

"Do not speak to your mother like that young man." His father scolded. He just looked at him. 

"What happen to you Caden!? I didn't grew you up to be with a guy. A GUY Caden. He is a guy for goodness sake who can't bear a—"

"Stop mom. Stop insulting him."

"Did I hear you defending him?" Her mother asked in full of astonishment.

"Yes mom, and stop shouting. Let's talk at my office. Yale, put some ice on his face. I'll be back, Sky."

"No, He's coming!" His mother whined. 

"Mom.. please! Lower your voice. Patients will be distress—"

"I don't care. This is our hospital!"

"My hospital mom. MY HOSPITAL. So you need to follow what I say because this is not your hospital, It's MY Hospital. Let's go" Caden wanted to cuss, to spit fire, to drag his mother out of the hospital but he can't do that. She is still his mother even if the world shifted its turn.

Celeste Mckintosh cannot believe her ears. "You are not my son. My son knows way better than being with a gay." She said in very awed voice.

"Mom, come on." He held her but she shove his hand off her. "NOOO! I won't allow this."

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