Chapter 8- So... where next?

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Everything goes as plan.. at least in Kiara's plan. After the sea incident, Sky stayed on shore and swore not to go back. Caden happily accompanied him. They ordered something to eat and they talked random things about their best friends. Night came and they went to dinner. All of them are tired but sated and happy. They had wonderful time together. They seem to enjoy every single minute of their stay.

"So what are we going to do  tomorrow? Are we going home?" asked Kiara. She looked at everyone.

"Home. But.. Where else do you want to go?" asked Yale. Yale looked at them but what caught his attenion was Caden's thinking face while staring at Sky. 

"What place haven't you tried going to? Well not abroad of course. Something we can find here in the country." Caden asked somewhat for general but his attention was on Sky. Kiara felt giddy at the sight but her boyfriend nudges her softly, gesturing her not to spoil the moment.

"Hmm, I don't know about Kiara but I've never been to any water Adventure Park. I was thinking we could go but you know ... it's a suggestion. It depends on you. I will just tag along wherever suited."

"Not bad. I know somewhere near here." Caden opens up. Kiara and Yale wanted to tease them but they might be awkward when they go to their room.

"Woah sounds fun! I went to a water park but that was when I was on 3rd grade so yieee I'm excited." Kiara diverted her attention.

"Okay.. So let's go? We'll wake up early tomorrow so we can get there early." They nodded and stood up. Caden and Sky got off first. The power couple followed through.

"Your best friend is sooooo dumb you know?" Kiara snorted. They were walking hand in hand while looking at the two guys in front of them talking comfortably.

"Yeah" Yale chuckled. "I never thought he would be this dumb. He was obviously into Sky." Kiara agreed.

"We'll see what happens tomorrow but for now, we'll sleep." Yale made mocking face.

"One round." Kiara pretends to be shock but laugh it away. She dragged him to their room.

Meanwhile, Caden immediately lay down to their bed. He was so tired but he enjoys the day a lot. He never had this enjoyable break for a while.

"You're gonna use the bathroom?" Sky asked him. Caden shook his head so he went inside. He did his nightly thing. Looking at the mirror, Sky admits to himself that he is happy Caden was talking with him like he doesn't mind him being gay. Compared to how Caden reacted about gays during their first meal and now that they had a getaway, it's like a respectful non-homophobic spirit entered his body. The way Caden held him until they reach the dry sand makes him frivolous inside. Caden's body is admittedly, without a doubt, any girl and girl at heart wet dream. And he was one lucky bitch to grab his muscle-y arms. He shook his head as perverted idea came rushing through. When he went outside, he saw Caden lying on the same position as they entered. He was laying horizontally so he needs to wake him up if he wants to sleep in the bed. "Cade? Caden" he softly wakes him up.

Cadenn flutter his eyes and bolt awake. "Sorry, I slept. Ahm yeahh. I'll sleep here and you sleep on that side."

"Yeah I know. Don't you brush your teeth at least? I'll fix the bed first when you go there." Caden obliged. Sky arranged the bed. There are 4 pillows in the bed so he made the extra 2 a barrier between them. Both of them lay down in silence, face the other side, and turn off the lights.

"Good night Caden." He said before drifting off from reality. He was so tired that his body gave up in an instant. He wasn't able to hear Caden saying good night back.

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