Chapter 12- No regrets

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"What!?" Now it's Caden's time to wonder why. Were my kisses that bad? He became self-conscious.

"Let's stop. Oh my gosh. Let's stop." Sky blushed so hard so he closed his eyes to control his mind. I need to kick him out before he will hate me so much. "You need to go." Sky stood up when he turned off the TV.

"Why?" Sky glared at him. Merda! Seriously!? Does he need to ask that?

"Don't ask. Just.. Just go home." He snapped. Caden is starting to get irritated. They were just having a fabulous make out session a while ago and now Sky is shutting him off.

"Are we gonna be like this every fucking time? Be friends now and get cold later. What the hell is your problem now Skyler?" Caden stood up from being so annoyed.

"I'm having a boner, pezzo de merda! So you need to go before I will do other things with you. Go before I lose my control. Go before I lose a friend, Caden. Per favore vai. Vi prego." Please go, I beg you. Sky was panting heavily while putting his hands on his face.

Caden was stunned. He is having a boner. So he likes the kiss? He analyzed. He became aware of his own body this time. He was in heat, sweating, panting softly from either anger or lust, had a swollen lips and a semi hard-on. Hold on, Did I get hard because I was kissing him? His semi hard on got fully hard when he remembered the moans and groans and little grinding of Sky in his lap. Fuck. I did have a hard on. He gulped on his realization.

Sky was aware that Caden didn't move and it's killing him. So, he stood up and walked towards his room.

"Please go now. Lock the door before you leave. Buonanotte" Good night  He turned his back to Caden and walked towards his room. When he was in the middle of his room door and bed, his door opens wide and Caden bursts in. He grabbed Sky's wrist and tossed him in his bed.

"What the fu---." He stopped as Caden topped and kissed him in a second. All the control Sky was holding too much earlier melted away and he was just obliging in Caden's control. Caden strangled Sky's lap with his thigh as he removed his suit and threw it on the side. He removed his undershirt and revealed a well-chiseled abdomen. Sky was drooling at the sight in front of him. Ohh god, he is so gorgeous.

"Caden" His lust and longing was so evident that Caden almost lost his control. Caden's mind went blank when he saw Sky walk away from him earlier but he lost all his grips when he saw the door closed. All he knew is that he wanted him. All of him... without any hesitation.. regardless of what will happen next.

"Take off your shirt" Caden commanded. Immediately, Sky removed his shirt. Those specs of abs are a masterpiece. He thought. Caden started trailing kisses on Sky's torso making Sky whimper in pleasure.

"Caden, Caden per favore." Sky wailed in pleasure. He was gripping hard in his bed sheet, soaking in sweat and arching his back to Caden. Caden felt aroused on how Sky response in every kiss he planted.

Caden claimed back his lips, wetting it back as it became dry when he was gasping for breath earlier. "What do you want Sky? Tell me what you want Skyler." He asked temptingly in a hush tone.

"You.. Tu, Caden.. . I want you so much" He gulped and gasped barely.

"Then take me Sky. Show me how much you want me." Sky held his breathe and kissed him hard. This time, Skyler is topping him, kissing his chin, his neck, his shoulder blade making him moan and groan.

"Jesus.. Sky. You're so hot baby." He moaned as he softly caressing and gripping Sky's hair. Sky was gently gliding up and down his hands on Caden's pants while kissing his body. "Sky baby fuckkk"

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