Chapter 2- The Latte Boy

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"Babeeee!" Sky was in the hospital cafeteria taking his lunch when Kiara called him out.

"Che?" What? He answered. Kiara rushed into his side. She was excited for something he cannot fathom.

"I need you to come with me this Sunday. It's your day off, right?" He nodded while looking at her skeptically.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to meet someone." He hastily looked at her. "I know it's a date but babe, even if you're gay, you're still born with tail in front. You can still feel if the guy was serious about me. Please, I need you to be with me. Por favor mi bébe" Please my babe.

"Babe, its Sunday. It's my time with---"

"I know but can you still give me your Sunday? Just this Sunday. Por favor babe. We can send Devika to my Abuela. I know my grandma will be so pleased that bella visited her. You know she loves her so much." Kiara was tugging his uniform. He sighed. He knows both Kiara's grandma and Devika would be happy if she will visit her.

"Okay, but you bring Devi this Friday night. I'll take my whole day duty this Saturday so I can get off this Sunday. Va bene?" All right?

"Wahh Grazie mi amor! You're the best!" Thank you my love. She kissed his cheeks. This is the reason why all of their hospital friends thought they were together. Skyler and Kiara are both affectionate for each other.

"Wouldn't your date ask why you bring me with you?" This idea came into his mind.

"No, he knows I'm bringing my best friend. He said he would bring him someone too. I wanna ship you with whoever he is bringing."

I rolled my eyes. "Love life is in the bottom of my priority. You know I don't need one. I already have Devika. She's enough for me."

"You'll grow old lonely. Seriously if you won't make any move when you reach your birthday 3 months after now, I will make you Tinder account and hook you up with some daddy."

"Whatever babe. I'm coming with you but promise me if I want to go home, you'll let me go."

"Si. Lo promento" Yes, I promise. She kissed his cheeks again and went back to where she came from. He just shrugged and continued eating.

The truth is he always dreamed to have a serious relationship. But because his work is time demanding and he also have Devika to attend, he decided to just let it go. Yes, he had some fair share of hook ups during college days but starting from the moment he claimed to be responsible for Devika, he never had any. Kiara always says that he was letting go of the opportunity. He was wasting his younger days. He admits that he can feel it too, but he had to do this. Besides, no one ever hinted him. Aside from being inside their apartment, you can only find him in the hospital full of patients. No clubs, No bar, No late night talks in café, no window shopping. Its routinary. Just plain boring hospital nurse.

Sunday came and they conquered the late morning traffic. They were freaking hungry because they didn't take their breakfast before commuting. They don't have car so they have to commute every day.

"Please tell him that we need a heavy breakfast. Minchia! Ho fame." Fuck, I'm hungry

"I already have. And please, stop speaking in Italian. You know I know little of Italian."

"You speak Spanish sometimes too."

"I rarely speak Spanish unlike you. You even teach Devika how to speak Italian. You're making it hard for me."

"Lo siento Babe." He said sorry in Spanish so Devika smiled.

When they went off the cab, Kiara straightened her knee length ruffle purple strapped dress. They went inside the restaurant.

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