Chapter 26- Apologize

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"Nurse Sky, Nurse Luke is calling you in room 5" "Sky, have you checked Mr. Harold's sign" "Mrs. Shelly is finding you Sky, she's in room 27." "Change the dosage of the new patient Sky, ask Doc. Cory about it."

The calls in his station went on and on every day. He, again, is the station's favorite nurse due to his ability, passion and agility within the place. They also tapped on Kiara but since she's Yale's girlfriend, sometimes they gave it to Sky to do it. If they knew that I'm the owner's boyfriend, they won't be like this. 

It's 4 pm and his work is done for the day. He bids goodbye to everyone including her best friend and boyfriend. He is to get Devika from school. He took a cab and went straight to school. When he arrived, Devi's homeroom teacher called him.

"Mr. Fanucci, I am so glad you fetch Devika. Can I talk to you for a while?" He agreed. She complimented about how talented and smart Devika is and because of it there is a prestigious school who offered Devika schooling, all expense paid. Not everyone can enter that school for free; Devika is one of a kind. It is a great opportunity but he was hesitant. It's too far from where they stay so their travelling expense would double up. Politely, he told her teacher he needs time to think s he can discuss this with Kiara. He needs her advice so much when it comes to Devika. He went to the playground to look for his daughter.

"Papa!!!" she ran towards him. "Andiamo a casa?" Are we going home? He nodded. Devika felt the strangeness of her Papa so she asked. "Is everything alright papa?" They were walking towards the school gate.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about the offer of your teacher."

"Ohh that! What about it papa?"

"Do you want to study there, Mia Cara?" she nodded enthusiastically. "Me too. It's a great school for you. But we lived to far from there."

"Dada lives nearby Papa." He thought so. But he wasn't sure if Caden would agree about that. Living with him might be okay with Sky but Caden.. he is doubtful. Maybe in the future but not now, it will overwhelm Caden.

"Mia Cara.. you remember when you said Dada hates gays?" She nodded. "He still is. But he loves Papa, don't get me wrong. I don't know if he likes that idea."

"You'll tell Dada about that Papa? Ohh e questo  .. Nurse Blaze, Papa?" He looked at the direction where Devika looks. It's definitely him. What the hell is he doing at my daughter's school? It's been months since he last showed up. Maybe he's gonna ask for forgiveness or what... Blaze is coming to their direction.

"Hi Baby girl. How are you?"Devika wasn't so sure what to do so she hides behind her father.

"What are you doing here Nurse Blaze?" He knows how Blaze hates when he throw formality on him. Sky received a disapproving expression. 

"I wanted to sincerely apologize and you know, I just miss Devika. I didn't know you're coming though" His fading voice in last part is still enough for Sky to hear it. Sky rolled his eyes. What do I have to do to make him stop? Gosh this is exhausting.

"It's not to me who you need to apologize, it's Caden. And please, we need to go home. It's getting dark soon."

"I can drive you home." He offered.

"No, we can manage."

"Sky I wanted to apologize. Really. I swear. This meeting is the last moment you're going to see my face." Sky is still uncertain. He doesn't want to be within his radius but he needs to set this thing straight. And even though he acts stupid in front of him, Sky still has a little trust on Blaze.

"Chiamiamo Dada, Papa. Ho paura di lui." Let's call Dada, Papa. I'm afraid of him. He nodded to both of them as answer. They, then, follow him. He led them to the car. While Blaze drives, he texted Caden about everything. He didn't expect him to reply in an instant since he is busy so he put his phone away.

Blaze brought them to a restaurant far from their place. Blaze already ready the place, he already made a reservation. Sky thinks its suspicious but he carry on. They started eating in awkward silence.

"Are you doing well in school Baby girl?" Devika warily nod. His attention diverted to Sky. "How are you doing now Sky?"

"We are not here for some checking up Blaze. If you wanted to apologize, then apologize. Stop with the fancy talks."

"You said it's not you who I need to say sorry."

"What? Are you fuc—kidding me?" Sky halted his cussing because he is in front of his daughter.

"I'm done. You're done papa? Can we go home now?" He wasn't but they need to be home. Sky moved to stand but Blaze held his arms.

"We are not done talking Sky."

"There's nothing we need to talk about Blaze."

"'I love you first Sky. I was the first one to see you and respect you as you." Sky felt awkward. This meeting should just be the both of them and not with his daughter around.

"When are you gonna stop Blaze? I told you its Caden that I choose. You are just a friend Blaze. You can't change that."

"But why? He can't be proud of you. He still hides you in his closet. He keeps you in but never has an intention of showing you in public. He was afraid of being caught being in relationship with you. Isn't that your warning signs Sky? He is no good for you. I am the one good for you Sky. I can –"

"Lower your voice Blaze." He warned him. His patience is wearing thin.

"I love you Sky."

"And I don't. I'm so sorry. Someone is much better for you Blaze. Please stop."

He lifted his daughter and hurriedly went out the restaurant. They stood in the sidewalk to call a cab. He put her daughter down when he heard a voice calling him. "Sky. Promise, I'll stop ---"

"Will you fucking cut it? Sei pazzo? You're scaring my daughter." Blaze went to Devika. He knew it better. If he can pursue Devika, Sky can do nothing.

"Baby girl, did you say you are uncle's friend right?" As Blaze moves his hands to hold Devika, Devika move backwards as she flinched. Sky get in between them.

"Stop harassing my daughter you pezzo de merda!!" He pushed him aside. He turned around and called a cab. They immediately went inside.

Blaze, on the other side is so consumed by his anger. Sky should choose him and not Caden because Caden could never be proud of having someone as kind and lovable as Sky. Blaze was so sure that Caden is straight before Sky but after he learns that Sky is gay, he got interested on him and his interest turns into something he didn't expect. And now Blaze felt betrayed that after many months of showing Sky that he cares and he has feelings for him, he failed to see him as more than a friend. He went to his car and followed the cab that took Sky and Devika. He followed a familiar road. This was the road they took when he bring Sky home. It's been months he tried to forget him but every corner of their hospital reminds him of Sky. The softness of Sky's voice when he calls him just haunts him once in awhile.

The cab stopped on the other side of the lane in front of their apartment. He stopped just in the back of where they stop. He wanted to talk to Sky. A long talk. He still believes that he could still change Sky if they can have a proper talk.

But before Sky could spot him, Devika saw him getting off his car. Sky was still waiting for the change. Devika got scared and her feelings got the best of her, she crossed the street knowing their apartment is in front.

But because Blaze blocked the sight anything incoming, Devika didn't saw a red car and she was hit by it. A loud screech can be heard in the block. Blaze stood still trying to figure out things. Sky froze in shock but ran immediately when he realized it was his daughter.

"Mia Cara, Ohh my gosh baby I'm sorry." He checked her vital signs and it was getting dangerous. All he remember from that moment was he was shouting someone telling them to call for an ambulance and praying that his daughter can make it. 


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