Chapter 9- Joy Ride

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Sky felt a little better after their short getaway than the day he knew Caden. Knowing that Caden was the one who puts him in bed makes it more pleasant than necessary. But he still need to guard his walls. He can't still totally relax with Caden. Prevention is better than cure. 

"Hey are you okay? You looked so lit up then in a second bothered. What's wrong?" Head Nurse Blaze Lewis asked him. Sky was in the nurse's station. He was on night shift again this time.

He smiled. "No, I'm okay. Ahm, can I take a quick coffee break? I already finished my rounds over the rooms. Mr. Larry still needs 30 minutes before I'll check his blood pressure again."

"Great! I was thinking you can go with me grab a cup. I'll tell them we'll be off."' Sky nodded. What he really like in this station are his colleagues. He might be their go-to person when they needed something but they are so generous to him. If he requested them anything, they won't complain.

They went to the nearby coffee shop. Yup, the coffee shop Sky and Caden met. He's not here. He thought. Why would I ever think he'll be here every time?

"What will you have? My treat." Blaze asked. Sky smiled.

"Anything you pick." He wants Macchiato but he doesn't want to be demanding. This is his head nurse.

"Okay, one iced Americano for me and chocolate-coffee latte for him please." He looked at Nurse Lewis. It's Caden's favorite drink. He smiled as he remembered the first day they met. He excused himself and went to the comfort room. When he went back, Lewis was on his phone waiting for him in a table.

"Nurse Lewis, let's go." Nurse Lewis stood up and grabbed his cup. Sky followed him but stopped when someone held his shoulder from the back. He turned around and saw Caden.

"Here. It's Macchiato." Caden got his latte and exchange it with Macchiato. When was he here? "Until what time is your shift end?" Caden asked in his surprise. Does he want to befriend me now?

"Ahm, 7 am. Ahm, thanks for this. I'm gonna catch up with Lewis, okay?" Lewis was walking a little ahead, still on his phone.

"Who's he?" He question casually. Sky can't figure out what's up with this guy. He suddenly got friendly. He's giving me goosebumps. 

He wanted to ask why but he better answer the question to avoid awkwardness. "My station's head nurse."

Caden just shrugged at his answer. "So, see you around." Caden tapped his shoulder and went to different direction. Sky ran to catch up with Nurse Lewis and went back to the hospital, more bothered that he could ever be this night.


Caden didn't even know why his feet led him to the coffee shop that night. Maybe I am craving for coffee. Yeah, I need coffee. When he entered the coffee shop, he saw Sky with someone. Another guy? He waited in queue, just behind Sky and the guy with him. He heard the other guy chose latte for Sky. He doesn't like that. He decided to order Macchiato. When he got the chance, he exchanged his drink with Sky. He went back to his office. He was also doing overtime with Yale because they are in talks of branching out their service in the nearby city.

"You went to the coffee shop and you didn't bring one for me? You're pathetic." Yale said in incredulity.

"Oh Damn, I slipped in my mind. Sorry."

"You saw him?" Caden nodded like its not big deal and went back to his chair. Yale wanted to tease and laugh at Caden. You don't like gays huh? Yale saw how Caden seem so bothered before he went to get his coffee and saw how relaxed he is now that he have one. I won't be surprise if they'll be together someday.

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