Chapter 25- Office

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A/N: I  really don't know what bad elements have come into  my mind when I made this one. I even forgot that I made this possible. So uhm, its Rated 18 because of yeahh and heavy use of dirty words.. Bear with me. 


Summer is fast approaching and Devika is ecstatic about her summer escapade. Her Papa assured her that summer is gonna be a flight to Italy with her Dada and it fuels her delight more. It's her first time with Caden and she's excited to introduce her Dada to her mommy; that's what she called her grandma.

On the other hand, Skyler felt like it's killing him. His parents are okay of him bringing someone to introduce as boyfriend but it's been so long so since he did the last one and worst of all, this is the most serious relationship he had. He wasn't so sure of how his parent's reacts if they knew Caden is still sort of homophobic.

It's been months since Sky and Kiara transferred to the hospital. Everything went easy and well. They got along just fine with their new seniors and colleagues. They were assigned in same station. Of course, it's because of Caden needs Kiara to spy for another Blaze but everyone believes that it's because Kiara is Yale's girlfriend and Sky is a friend so he is tagging along. Now, they set things straight there so Yale and Kiara can publicly date. However, Sky and Caden still remains a secret. They occasionally meet in the lobby and pretend as if nothing's happening with them. When they went home, Caden would apologize and they stayed up all night snuggling and well, sex.

When Kiara and Sky started, they realize how cranky and scary Caden was in the workplace. No one in their right minds would approach him except Yale. It took them a week to adjust 'cause every time they saw him with stoic business face, they can't help but laugh. But there was a time when an employee went out of Caden's office crying and the day after, he was terminated. It was a huge problem the employee caused though and they can't blame Caden for being harsh. After that, they see Caden as superior and not just a friend or even boyfriend.

"Nurse Sky. Mr. Thomas wants to see you in his office." Somebody called him in the station. Sky knew it better; it's been a drill for then. It's not Yale who was calling him, its Caden. It's his break and Caden knows his schedules very well. He went straight to his office and saw Caden there.

"What is it Cade? I have just taken my break." Caden pulled him and hugged him tight.

"What's poppin' Amore? I just want to see you and well , feed you. Sit up. I ask Yale to bring up food." As if on cue, Yale entered, bringing with him a paper bags Sky thinks full of food. Following him is his best friend.

"Fuck, I'm starving!" First thing she said as she entered. They settled down and devoured the food they shared. Sky was feeling hungry too so he sat and eat as much fries as he can and bite as big as he can. Caden even offered his food to him.

"Haven't you eaten your breakfast Amore? You eat like a horse."

"I forgot. I sleep and wake up late so I had to rush things." He apologized. He turned his attention to Kiara. "Babe, are you going home?"

"Yep, but I still have to pick Bella in school. You're not coming Yale. Caden needs you here." She pointed her boyfriend. 

"What? No~~ I finished everything I can help Caden so I can go with you. I promise Bella to watch movies with her."

"He can go now Kiara. I'll be staying here late. Sky has night shift so I'll be waiting for him." One advantage of taking Sky here, as per Yale, is that Caden will stay up all night to wait for Sky and in that waiting times, he can finish his things earlier than usual. He can now cope up the pace of their company financial department and back logs were eliminated. Caden was kind of procrastinator until Sky, the hard worker, came into his life. They usually met in the car park. Caden tinted his car for that reason. After their meal, they went to their respective work station.

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