Chapter 17- Ti Amo

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"So you need to ready your passport if you wanna go to Japan baby." 

All of them are in the couch listening to Devika and Caden's question and answer potion about Japan and how it looks like. His daughter was so amaze that she was sitting on Caden's lap looking intently at him while Sky was sitting beside him, putting his head on Caden's shoulder.

"Yeah and they have Hello Kitty theme park there Bella" Yale added Caden's statement. He was sitting against them while tucking Kiara on his arms.

"Voglio andare papa. Andiamo a Japan, per favore." I want to go Papa, let's go to Japan, please.

"Let's see baby okay? I can't promise you" She frowned at her Papa so she faced Caden.

"Dadaaaaa" She is now begging Caden. Sky wasn't sure why and when Devika called Caden 'Dada' but he was sure there is a reason because every time Devika call Caden Dada, Caden smiles from ear to ear. 

"Tell your Papa about that."

"A good daddy listens to his wife Bella so if you want something from your daddy, you should ask your Papa first." Devika pouted at Kiara while Sky blushed as he was called wife.

"Papa said no~." The kid said in a whiny voice. 

"I didn't say "no" Mia Cara. I said, let's see." Sky clarified.

"It's still the same!!" She said whiningly.

He sighed frustratingly. He really wants to go to his parents in Italy. The two of them go there to visit every summer. However, he cannot resist his daughter begging him to go to Japan. "Okay fine, let's go this summer. I'll tell mamma we cannot fly to Italy, instead we'll go to Japan."

"Ohh noo, I can't see nonna??!" Devika is torn between Italy and Japan. As much as she wanted to see Hello Kitty, it's their tradition to visit her loving grandparents in Italy and she loves it so much.

"Mia cara, you need to choose one, okay?" He asked anticipating her answer.

"What about, we'll go to Italy first then we'll go to Japan after?" Caden said suggestively.

Sky faced Caden bewildered. "You're coming with us?"

"You don't want me to come?" He asked Sky softly.

"It's not like that. I mean, .." He was lost for words. Is he that serious of me? Doesn't he realize he was like telling me he wanted to get to know my parents? Initiatively, he glanced to his best friend who smiles at him and nods.

"Come with us Dadaaaaa. We'll be lost in Japan if you won't come."

"If your Papa will say yes, I will come but for now, you need to sleep. It's past your sleeping time right?" Caden felt Sky's discomfort so he suggested.

"Ohh yeahh. I'm gonna use my new hello kitty PJ's and pillow and blankie and.."

"Okay okay that's enough. You need to sleep. I'm gonna tuck you to bed. You want me to sleep with you?" Caden frowned at him. Its obvious that he was teasing Caden.

"Noooo, I wanna sleep alone Papa.. no sleeping in my new pillow except me. Okay?"

He chuckled and nodded. Devika kissed everyone good night and bolted to her room. She was so excited to use her new things. Kids really are so giddy for new stuffs.

"So, how about you Mi amor? Are you going home?" Kiara asked her boyfriend.

"Hmm, I'm gonna drive Caden home first then I'll be back. He didn't bring his car."

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