Chapter 16- Dada

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"Holy motherfucker , I told you to---" Yale was shocked to see Caden with someone in bed. Caden was covering the head of someone while throwing him a deadly glare. Who the fuck did he brought home? He never brings one before.

"Lower down your fucking voice Thomas. Resched the flight. Make it the 3rd flight." He said while caressing the hair of that someone. That someone's face was covered by the blanket.

"Who is that?'" Yale was about to come near when Caden throws a pillow on him and glares at him even more. Yale perked his attention when it moves. Is that a guy.. wait a minute is it? The someone remove the blanket the on his head and it showed a sleepy Sky.

"Sky?"' he asked in bewilderment but not entirely confused.

"Yale? Merda, mi fa male" Shit , it hurts. His body sores for their last night escapade. They didn't stop until Sky said he still have schedule in the morning. Caden seems to forgot his Japan trip. They stopped when the clock is about to struck 3 am. He sat up like Caden and Caden pulled him into his body and kissed his forehead. His sleepy head just lean on Caden's body. Yale almost popped his eyes witnessing a rare – no – a very exceptional phenomenon of his life. So what is this now? He doesn't like gays but obviously they had a wonderful night. Yale cleared his throat, feeling a bit awkward standing like a fool in front of them.

"Ahm so, I'm gonna resched the flight into the 3rd one. Obviously we cannot catch the first one." 

Sky looked at Caden. "I told you not-- ohhh shit-- my nevermind." He breathed in then turn into Yale. "What about the second flight Yale? I think you can still catch the flight" Sky insisted.

"I wanna have a breakfast with you." Caden immediately added. Yale was utterly surprise on how affectionate Caden is to Sky. It's not his first time to see Caden in the bed with someone. They pushed their stupidity further in the past that they share a girl at times. Usually, Caden left immediately after he is sated, leaving him and the girl alone in the morning. But now... What the fuck is happening? 

"Okay lovebirds, I'm going to stay in the living room. You go dress and we'll have a breakfast together. I'm fucking starving. " Yale went out the room shaking his head. "Now how would they deal with this?" He said to himself and settled down in the couch.

Sky was about to roll out of the bed when Caden dragged him and pinned him down. He showered him with kisses that Sky can't resist giggling around.

"Caden stop. Stop~ Move your ass pretty boy. Yale is waiting for you. I told you last night we'll not go all nighters."

"What? You are to blame though. Why are you so irresistible?" Caden put his head between Sky's neck and shoulder. "Can we do morning sex?"

"Oh my gosh , get off you perv. Go take a bath! Yale is waiting for you." He pushed Caden out of the bed. Caden smacked his legs and grabbed the nearest towel he finds. Sky gets off and picked the nearest shirt he found, Caden's white long sleeves and his own boxers. He went to the kitchen to grab a water. Sky bragged into Caden's fridge and cooked whatever he saw edible. Yale also went to the kitchen when he smells something cooking.

"So, what? Are you official? Just curious."

"No, we are some sort of... testing the water." Yale frowned but nodded with understanding. This is gonna  be hard. He thought. 

"How will you deal with your daughter?"

"I can talk her with her everything so I bet she'll be just okay with it."

"So if you're not official, you can still date anyone and that includes Shawn."

"No." They both startled as Caden silently entered the kitchen and answered Yale's question. Caden helped him fix something for breakfast and the three of them settled at the kitchen counter.

"Why not? You're not official and—"

"Well, we want to do this in honest and fair way. I mean, while Caden is struggling to figure it out, Ill behave myself and let Caden assess carefully without any distraction."

"Ohh, that'll take too long though." Yale said in innocent voice but he was really testing Caden.

"Not too long." Caden answered while looking at Sky. Sky blushed as he understood what he meant.

"So how are you gonna deal with Shawn now Sky?" Yale added. 

"Yale, are you gonna drop  the word Shawn or i'm gonna you drop out of my window? You choose." Caden was getting mad.

"Easy bro, Just curious." He held his hands up like he surrenders.

"I'll deal with him also." Sky's word made Caden snapped at him.

"What? No. I'll deal with him after I come back."

"He's my mess Caden. Let me handle him. Just focus on your trip, it's a million dollar investment so you need to clear up your head and focus on that.

Caden was defeated. Sky was always right so he just nods. After eating, Sky washed the dishes while Caden and Yale cleaned up. When everything is okay, they drive Sky to his apartment. He still needs to get his energy back. Sky slept immediately when he got home.


An exhausting week embraced Sky after that. He was transferred in the emergency section for the week due to shortage of personnel while the hospital continuously accepts patients as it should. Caden and Yale are still on Japan. Caden called him almost every night. He can also see that Yale do the same thing to his best friend. Kiara and Yale become more serious and serious every time. He won't be surprised if one day Kiara will call him and say their wedding is coming soon. He is so happy for his best friend.

For his issues on hand, he already talked to his daughter about Caden. He was pretty sure he explained everything to his daughter but he can't understand his daughter's reaction. Maybe, she was still confused or not sure on what to feel and he respected that. She needs time. As for Shawn, he confessed to him about Caden and the situation and how he felt about Caden and him. Shawn was visibly hurt but he assured him that he'll be okay. Shawn promised him that if he and Caden won't work, he can still contact him.

So overall, it made him tired but relief. All he needs to think about is what to do with his situation now. He was just so unsure of him and Caden and its starting to crawl on his nerves. He's agitated and disturbed.

"Are you okay Sky?" Sky looked at his head nurse and bashly smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, you say anything?"

"I was asking if we could grab something to eat after. We end our shift at the same time so yeah"

"Ahh sure. Ill wait for you in the lobby?" Blaze nodded.

After they had dinner, Blaze dropped him off outside his apartment. He smiled and thanked him for the treat. As he opened their apartment door, he heard his daughter running from her room towards him. He waited for her in open arms and he swings her once.

"Benvenuto a casa papa!! Dada bought me a lot of Hello Kitty!! Come on Papa!!" He let her to drag him inside her room. He stood at her doorway faze about how his daughter's room look like. It's full of hello kitty stuff. Pillow case, blanket, towel, small mat, stuff toys, mirror set, notebook, pens and many more was on her bed.

"Who's Dada Mia cara?" He was a little lost. This is too much.

"Me." he almost jumped on his feet as the voiced boomed at his back.

"Caden." He was shocked to see him. He thought he'll be home the day after the next day. "Why did you buy her so much?" he snapped at him. He doesn't like wasting so much money.

"Non ti piace papa?" You don't like it papa? Devika asked him sadly. Ohh goodness, she'll cry.

"No, I love it. I wasn't mad. It's just.. you know, isn't it just too much? That's a lot of stuff you know." He is stammering while he talks.

"I still plan to buy her hello kitty wallpaper but I think we should do that next time. Right baby?" His daughter smiled and ran up into her bed to hug her things. Sky looked at Caden in defeat and sighed. Caden's gonna spoil my daughter in no time. 


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