Chapter 13- Devika heard

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"Do you think they made up?" Kiara asked her boyfriend in the driver seat. They were coming home after 2 days off. Yale and Kiara purposely brought Devika with them so both their friends would properly talk.

"Yeah. I think so. I text him about our Japan trip and he happily reply."

Kiara frowned. "How did you know he's happy?"

"If he replies. 'Okay' only, that means his not really in his mood. If he replies, "Okay, no problem.' He is fine. But if he replies like what he replied to me when I told him, he is happy."

"What's that?"

"Yup. Okay No probs." Yale chuckled and shook his head. Kiara just laughed. Even there is a little possibility that the two of them would be together because of Caden's homo nature, they still prayed for the both of them.

"Are you talking about Papa and Uncle Caden, Tia Kiara?" Devika interrupted at the back. She was listening all the convo the couple was talking about and that includes Caden and Sky.

"Yes. They have been some problems that they need to fix Bella and we wanted them to get along."

Devika nodded. "Si, I like Uncle Caden but I don't want him for Papa." Yale almost hit the brake when Devika said those. Kiara was beyond bewildered. If Devika won't like Caden for Sky, then that's it. This is the end. 

"Why bella? You like Uncle Caden right? Why won't you want him for Papa?"

Devika made a thinking look. "Yeah, I like him but he hates gays. I heard him tell the counter girl not to give us gay waiter. He doesn't like gays. He doesn't like Papa. He might hurt Papa"

Kiara and Yale looked at each other as if they read their minds. They may want Caden and Sky for each other but they know that Caden is like that... and now Devika knows about it.


"Papa!!" Sky turned to look at the girl running in the hospital floor. He smiled at her and opened his arms wide. He lifted her and showered her with kisses. He was not busy so he got time to greet his daughter. 

"Come sta la mia cara?" How is my dear?

"Sto bene Papa! You should have been with us."

"You know Papa needs to help patients right?" Devika nodded. Sky turned his attention to his best friend.

"Babe. Let her rest okay." He stopped. "What's wrong with you?" He noticed that her best friend was a little off. For years of being with her, he knows in an instant if something is bothering her.

"Nada. Quiero hablar contigo. I'll wait for you tonight?" Nothing. I wanna talk with you. He nodded, not really sure of what's going on. He kissed Devika again before he gave her to Kiara.

He went back to his station. He was still under euphoria. He thought when he woke up the day after what happen to them, Caden will be gone. He was gone, in bed, because Caden was in his kitchen, barefoot and half naked, cooking for their breakfast. After that, they stayed home making love whole day, in the kitchen while he was washing dishes, in the couch where they watched movie, and mostly his bedroom. It was the best Saturday and Sunday of his life after finishing his studies.

He looked at his phone to check for messages when he got a break. 3 messages. Shawn, Babe, Caden. He opened first Kiara's message: I took 3 day off so let's grab a drink here in the house. I bought drinks. Something is really bothering his best friend. Wait a minute, did they break up or they had just a fight?

He read Caden's text after: Can we have a dinner? He smiled but he still needs to talk to his friend. He replied: Can't. Kiara wants to talk to me 'bout something. Maybe next time? He didn't wait for the reply.

He read Shawn's text: Be with me next Friday night. I'll be attending some event. Voglio che vieni con me. He doesn't wanna come but he doesn't want to be rude so he replied: I'll check my sched first, kay?

He put his phone away. Kiara first, she needs me. Kiara and Devika always come first after his parents. So he focused himself and after his shift, he immediately went home. When he arrived at 9pm, he saw Kiara alone in the couch.

"Babe. Where's Devika?" Kiara sighed. Before she sat down the couch and waited Sky to come home, she prayed for a sign. If he asked where Devika first, that means he prioritizes Devika more than anything and Devika's decision will really affect him. But if he entered and asked her what's wrong, it means she can still affect his decision. It sounded so childish but its always like that to her.

"She's asleep. You had your dinner already?" Sky nodded and sat beside her. "Good"

"What''s wrong? You look bothered?" he asked worriedly.

"Hmm, did you and Caden made up? The tension with the both of you is suffocating and seriously irritating."

"Yeah, he went over her last Friday night." He beamed a smile at her. She squinted her eye suspiciously.

"Your smile tells me you had a blast last Friday night."

"More than that."he said shyly. Kiara almost stood up. 

"Mierda! Really? You got him kiss you?" She squealed.

"I got him moaning my name." He said cockily.

"Fuck!" She squealed real hard. "En serio? Oh my gosh. But wait, what will happen to Shawn now?" Sky sighed.

"He invites me to a party tomorrow. He wants me to come. I told him, ill check my sched first. Okay done with me. What happen to you? Did you two have fight? Please don't say you broke up."

"What the. Hell no, we didn't. Gosh." She sighed and continued. "It's actually what Devika told us that bothered me. If I am not a loyal friend of yours, I will not tell you about this. This is about you and Caden."

"Me and Caden? How did she know? You told her?"

"No, of course not. I thought she was asleep so I asked Yale if there is a possibility that both of you cool down your tension. She suddenly told me she didn't like Caden."

Sky was beyond shock. He didn't expect her to not like Caden. Devika likes almost everybody. Now he doesn't understand why not Caden. "What? Why? She's okay with him this past days right?"

"Yeah, I mean. She likes him, as Uncle Caden. But she doesn't want him for you." he didn't say anything. He just looked at her absentmindedly. Why though?

"She said she heard him Caden talking to a counter girl. She heard him telling the girl not to give us gay waiter because he hates that. So she doesn't like him because he hates gay, he might hate you, and he might hurt you in the process."

He nodded and drank straight his bottle of beer. He likes Caden but he understands her concern. He is torn but if you look at all the side of the coin, she was ultimately right. He cannot like someone who curses the name of gay. He cannot like someone who hate someone like him. There is a possibility that he might hurt him but the possibility of unrequited love from Caden is much bigger. Being in unrequited love story is what he hates the most. They may have a beautiful weekend together but right now is his wake-up call. But he didn't want to wake up. Not yet. 

"I honestly like Caden for you. Maybe he can change. Can you convince Devika that Cad—"

"Devika's right." He said sadly. "Caden should just be Uncle Caden to her and he should be just my friend. I'm stupid to think he can change what was grown up with."

"Well, he might be. You had a weekend together right?"

"I guess he was just curious and it's nothing to him. We are already friends when he knows Devika. That means the scene was done just recently. I should just make him my friend."

"Are you telling me you're going to avoid him again? I'm so tired of---"

"No, of course not. I'll just need to change my mindset and throw the idea of being us possibility."

"Can you listen to your heart this time? You always listen to Devika Babe. I know you love her and all but.."

"My heart and head says Devika is right. So it's still the same whichever I listen." He smiled sadly. Can we just get what we want without thinking others? He thought. 


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