Chapter 14- Shawn

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Caden can't pinpoint what has gone really wrong. Lately, he felt uneasy. Yes, he had an unexpectedly amazing weekend that he will never forget in his entire life. They have communication but because of work, it has a time restriction. Sky goes to dinner invitations unlike the past days. Nothing seems wrong but it doesn't feel right as well.

"Boss, you cannot go to Japan bothered. What's your problem now Caden?" Yale was irritated. They were working on something for their Japan trip  but Caden keeps on day dreaming. He knows Caden and Sky made up. Now, he cannot think of other reason for him to be like that.

"I don't know" He answered seriously. "Some things quite not right."

"Let it go. You cannot go to Japan bothered okay? I settled everything already. Our flight is first thing in the morning tomorrow. You nee-" His phone rang. It was his girlfriend. He looked at Caden who's looking at him also before he answered the call.

"Mi amor?"Caden shook his head and diverted back his attention to his work. 

"Mi amor, your flight is tomorrow right?" 

"Yup, why? Do want anything?"

"Naahh, its Devika. I told her you're going to Japan. She was asking if you could buy her any hello kitty stuff."

"Of course. I'll drop off at your apartment tonight if—"

"Ohh, Did I forget to tell you I'm going to my abuela's tonight? I'm bringing Devika with me."

"Ohh, yeah. I slipped that in my mind. Is Sky coming too?" Yale caught Caden's attention. Yale didn't turn his back to him but he can feel the deep stare Caden is giving him.

"No, he has date tonight."

"Date!?" Now Caden was all ears on their conversation. Yale mentally slapped his self for saying it loud. Shit! You're stupid Yale. He scolded himself. 

"Put it on loud speaker." Caden commanded coldly. Yale had no choice but to put it on loud speaker.

"Yeah, he has a date with Shawn. Shawn invited him last Monday. Hayy, he would have rejected his offer if I haven't told him what Devika told us. I cannot keep a secret on him."

Caden's mood grew darker. So this is the wrong. He's dating Shawn while... while.... He clenched a fist. Yale can sense the tension and the gloomy aura of thier office. 

"Ohh, I understand. Sky always listens to Devika. We can do nothing about it. Okay mi amor, tell her I'm gonna buy her hello kitty stuff. I need to work now, bye. Love you."

"Te amo Mi amor. Have a safe flight." Yale smiled before his girl hang up. He turned to Caden.

"What did your girlfriend tell Sky?" Yale can hear his annoyance to Kiara.

"Hey don't be mad at Kiara. It's not her fault. It's no one's fault."

Caden glared at him. "Then why the fuck did Sky on date with that asshole?"

"Listen, don't be mad at girl, I'm serious. I was there when Devika told us that she doesn't want you to be with Sky. She likes you but as her friend only, as her Uncle Caden. We both know some things going on the both of you so Kiara told him what his daughter told us."

Caden went cold. Easiest way in to Sky's life is thru Devika. It's also the easiest way out. "Why?"

"She's afraid that you might hurt him. She knows you're uhmm.. homophobic." Caden's anger is slowly melting away.

"Who told her?" He asked softly. His mind was racing with thought without context.

"No one. She saw you asking for a straight waiter when we dine together."

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