Chapter 27- Incident

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Sky was crying and praying at the same time. Fortunately for him, the hospital that someone have called was of Caden's. He was hysterically calling Kiara. He was soaked in blood and tears and he is breaking down. When he arrived, he ran and immediately as the rescuer puts her in the bed. A doctor immediately takes over while he still holds her daughter's hand.

"Sky, you need to wait here. We will check her first."

"No I'm coming with you. I can't leave my daughter. Mia Cara. Scusa." 

"Sky Please." the doctor told him. He moved to run to the nurse's locker to change but his best friend held him.

"No. Doc Lay can take care of her. You need to calm down." She hugged him. "Babe, Stop fidgeting. She'll be okay. She's strong.."

"Babe.. Babe it's my fault.." He was sobbing hard and continuously. His knees are giving up and he was crying on the floor.

"Sky!" Sky turned to the voice that calls him. It was Caden. Caden immediately held him and hugged him tight. "It's okay. She'll be okay. She's tough. It's okay. They're going to do everything. I promise you." He pulled him in a chair and hugged him.

Sky kept on crying. For the first time in his life, he felt useless and worthless. He can't think straight when he saw his daughter lifeless and dull. It's making him insane. It's killing him. Losing Devika would be a suicide to him.

Caden felt eyes on them. They are going to talk about us. He thought. He felt nervous. But more than the judging eyes and whispers he can hear from them, a broken heart from the person he loves the most is louder than others combined. He can't just neglect Sky and act as if he is nothing to him now. Sky needs him in this trying time. Devika is a daughter to him as well so he cannot just take this aside.

Yale and Kiara were holding their hands and praying for Kiara's safety. After a few hours which Sky felt like days sitting with Caden, Doctor Lay went out. Sky immediately stood up and faced the doctor.

"Is my baby okay?" He hugged himself.

"She's fortunate enough that it didn't cause her too much. She has concussion, many scrapes and scratch. Her left arm was broken and there are some left ribs broken. Maybe she was hit hard on her left side so it affects her left side."

"Is that going to be permanent?" Caden inserted.

"No Sir, we have treatment for her arm. Time and rest can mend others but still she needs some medication. Her head should not be moved much as well. We still need to see if there is internal bleeding in her head. And she lost a number of blood too so we need a blood donor. Are you her father Sky?"

"Yes uhmm but not biologically. We don't have the same blood type. I'm A and she's AB. I will just go to the blo—" Caden cut his words half-way.

"I'll be the donor. I'm type AB."

"Great. Then we'll move now so we can transfer it immediately." They follow the trace of the doctor. Caden held Sky on his shoulder.

"Are you sure Caden? I'm sorr—"

"Stop saying sorry. I love Devika and she's precious to me. I'm doing the best thing to do." Caden kissed his forehead. Yale and Kiara looked at each other in a wary way. Caden must have set aside all discrimination he can get. He surely love Sky. Kiara thought.

They were in the examination room. Caden's blood still needs to be examined if it is credible to be transferred. Kiara held her best friend sitting while Yale was in there back holding both their shoulders. Nurses are kinda nervous since its Caden. After many minutes, they were given a go signal to start the extraction.

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