Chapter 11- That gay thing

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They both had their number but neither of them initiates a conversation. Caden was tempted though. He is annoyed that Sky was seriously avoiding him at all cost. If Yale and Kiara invited them for dinner or lunch, its either Caden was there or Sky. Devika was with them sometimes, but never Sky. When Caden joins, Sky always says he's busy or on duty. They never met. He felt that Sky felt awkward about what he said in the breakfast. That gay thing never left his mind either.

"Is that Sky?" Yale said absentmindedly. Caden looked at sidewalk. They were checking their clinic branches when they passed by outside a clothing store. There was Sky..with Shawn. He made a fist. So he was busy huh? His mind went blank. He wanted to punch Sky for lying. He wanted to punch Shawn for unknown reason. He wanted to punch Yale for calling his attention. He was mad, no—he was very enraged. He harshly took a deep breath.

"Yeah it's him, so what? Be quick, we need to be back at 12." Yale drove fast while looking at Caden in the rear view mirror. Caden was still checking Sky and Shawn in the side mirror. He's mad. He's definitely mad. Yale and Kiara know something had happen to them. He saw Sky begging Kiara not to include himself in their dine-ins. He saw how down Caden look when he learns that Sky wasn't coming. I must tell Kiara about this.


"Are you still not going to tell me?" Kiara pointed her pen on him. She was telling him about her and Yale's plan of going to a beach tomorrow. Sky already said yes but when Kiara told him that Caden is coming as well, he took back his yes. Kiara had been noticing the tension between them. The not-going and I'm-busy excuses of Sky are way too obvious that he is avoiding Caden.

"I told you I'm just busy. You see how busy the station right?"

"But you were never busy when Shawn wants to meet you up yesterday."

"How did you know?"

"I'm your best friend, Hijo de puta" Son of a bitch

"Hey, okay. Shawn just called me yesterday because he bought me a shirt like what he promised."

"Didn't you buy that shirt the last time?" she queried accusingly.

"No, we only  had a dinner. You told me you want me to date. What's your problem now?"

She crossed her arm around her. "My problem is that you're not telling me why you keep avoiding Caden"

He was sure that Kiara was waiting for him to spill the bean but she was so done waiting. So he spilled the breakfast meeting and the gay thing. Kiara was smiling like an idiot all through his story. She likes how Shawn got interested on her friend but she preferred Caden for him. Caden was obviously in denial and she finds it cute. But she doesn't want to spoil their moment so she minds her own business. She wants Caden to realize it before Shawn and Sky get serious.

"Okay. I understand now. You could have told me then, so you won't find any excuse again and again. Well, okay, you're not coming with us but I'm going to bring Devika with me. Yale wants Devika to come and you go rest well. Okay?" He nodded and hugged her.

"Grazie mille babe, sei il Migliore" Thank you so much babe, you're the best. He let go. He went back to his station after he gave instruction about bringing Devika with her. He trusted all of them to take care of her.

Sky went home after his shift ends. He took dinner on the way so he would just be laying in his bed at home. He is so tired. He drowns himself to work after the breakfast thing he had with Caden. Actually, his reason for avoiding Caden was not entirely about the breakfast and kiss. That sounds so shallow for days of avoiding. It's also  about his dream during the time he sleeps after that breakfast. He had a dream about him and Caden. It felt so realistic that when he woke up, he was wet, moaning and panting hard. He was afraid that if he saw Caden, he would surely blush himself all the time. He needs time to move on. Like... days. 

He was about to turn off the living room light to retire to bed when he heard a knock. Who in the right mind would knock in on my doorstep at this late night? He peeked at his peephole and saw what he didn't expect. He opened the door for him.

"C-Caden. What the hell are you doing here?" he stammered while gesturing him to enter.

"Am I not welcome?" Caden shows the pizza and coffee he brought along. Damn right, coffee again.

"No no no. That's not what I mean. I thought you're with them."

"Well I heard you're not coming  so I decided not... to come along."

Caden settled the food and drink in the coffee table. Sky was losing his mind. He got nervous and it was obvious. He gulped a large portion of air before he sat beside Caden in the couch.

"I'm sorry I didn't expect you to come. Can I get you something?"

"No.. I just wanna watch a movie with you. I'm supposedly doing this with Yale but since your best friend grabs my best friend, I might well do the same. So you don't mind?"

He was hesitant but it would be awkward if he says no. "Yes I don't mind. Ahh, I'll let you choose". He opened his television and let Caden choose a movie. Caden chose a com-rom movie. They settled watching it while eating.

Caden really didn't know why he is there. The moment he knew Sky wasn't coming, he immediately said he's not coming too. Yale didn't press him about that which he was so grateful for. Now, he was awkwardly watching a movie with sleepy Sky.

"Sky." He started off. Sky just glanced on his way. "Why are you avoiding me?"

Sky panicked but didn't show it. "I'm not avoiding you. I was just really busy."

"But you had time with Shawn. Isn't that avoiding?" Puttana Kiara, why did you tell him? He was suddenly annoyed by Kiara. Now he needs to find a reason.

"Ohh that, he .. he pleads me to come. He wants to buy a shirt in exchange for the shirt he got spilled on." Sky looked at Caden who was staring at him. Again. But this time, deeper and longer. This guy's gonna be the death of me. Gosh, those eyes and lips.

"I told you not to stare at me." He gave his attention to the movie.

"Do that." Caden said in finality. It's been bothering him for days. He doesn't what to do that because it's a gay thing but his body, his hormones tells him otherwise. He wants him. He wants to kiss those lips that haunt him even on his dreams.

He turned to Caden confused. "Do what?"

"That gay thing." Sky backed away from Caden. Cazzo! What is he thinking? Is he drunk?

"N-no. Do-don't. Are you drunk? Please stop teasing me. I can't" He looked down on his drink.

Cade suddenly grabbed him near and without a doubt, kissed him. It's only a long peck but both their bodies shivered and craved for more. "I said do that."

"Caden." Sky called out breathy. He was panting as he keeps on glancing on his lips. Fine, I'll take the consequences.

Sky grabbed Caden's nape and kissed him deeply. He sat on his lap so he can kiss deeper and harder. He moaned, whimpered and groaned while Caden hold his waist for support. Sky's mouth was devouring Caden, sucking his mouth till the depths of his soul. They were both lost in the moment, lost in each other's lips as if they were memorizing every corner of it.

Sky was the first to let go. He let his forehead rests on Caden's forehead. Both of them are still panting hard and wanting more. They stared in each other's eyes. "Are you going to regret this and hate me like how you hate gays doing gay thing?" Sky didn't hold back his deepest fear of doing this. They did it, the gay thing which made them awkward not long ago.

"The only thing I regret.." Sky held his breath, readying himself to whatever Caden is going to say. " not doing this on the first day"

"What?" His mind went blank.

Caden flipped him over and lay him in the couch as he was dominating the kiss. That was the roughest kiss Caden ever experience but the most amazing he ever have. Both of them are trying to fight for dominance. Girl of his past allowed him to dominate every single time but with Sky, he was thrilled to feel being controlled.

"Let's stop this." Sky said in between his frantic pants as he softly pushed Caden away from him. 


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