Chapter 6- You coming?

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Two days after that night, Sky can't still remember how he ended up in the bed. He was so sure that Caden didn't put him there. He was also sure that his bestfriend wouldn't mind him sleeping in the couch. He was thinking about Yale. Maybe Yale woke him up but he just forget walking towards the room. But if I slept in my room, where the hell did Caden sleeps that night? Did he got home and went back to our apartment the day after? When he woke up, the couple and Caden was already taking their coffee. Caden also didn't show something suspicious or annoyance.

"BABEEEEEE!!!" yelled Kiara. She was running towards their Nurse's locker. Sky frown his brow. What is it this time?  Is it her off? He brushed it off. From the tone of her voice, he knew that Kiara's gonna ask him for something. He closed his locker door before facing her.

"Are you coming? Please come. Please please~ I know it's your off this Saturday and Sunday and abuela's gonna pick Bella this Friday so please. Yale asks me to go to beach. You know how I love beach babe."

"So? You can go? Why would you tag me along?" He asked confusingly. Isn't it much sweeter if only the both of them go to the beach? Why would tag along a third wheel?

"Yale wants you to come. I think Caden's coming along." Hearing that homo name made him sick. He doesn't know why he's nervous around Caden. He usually shrugged off people who mock him for being gay but he doesn't know why Caden has such an effect on him. Sure, they were getting along just fine but that doesn't mean Caden accepted him as a friend. Someone as stoic as Caden takes years to make him realize they did nothing harm in the society.

"Lo siento Babe but no. I'm not coming" He said with finality. He grabbed his bag and moved but Kiara extended her arms blocking her off.

"Pleaseee. He is bringing his best friend. I will bring mine. Please. I don't have other BESTFRIEND but you so please"

"Kiara we both know that Caden doesn't like someone like me. So we better off away fro—"

"Then why would he be on the dinner and allow himself to sleep in your room if he was awk—"

"Wait . what did you say? He sleep in my room?" Now, Kiara gave him a confused face.

"The other night? He sleeps in your room, right? Didn't he? I saw him out your room while rubbing his eyes so I presume he sleeps at your room." He really didn't remember. He was so sleepy that time. If he sleeps at my bed, why the fuck did I wake up in my bed?

"Yeah, uhm. That night, did uhm did you wake me up to sleep in bed?"

"No you were dead sleep in the sofa. Yale and I went to my room and sleep after. Why are you giving me that puzzled face? It's bothering me."

"No it's just..."

"You transferred to Devika's room right?" He nodded his head. He knows he's lying but he can't give a better explanation if he will tell the truth. "So? What's the catch?" Kiara was starting to sound exasperated. 

"Naahh, I think maybe it's just my dream. I dreamed that he didn't sleep at my room because. You know. He doesn't like me." Kiara stared at him and nodded understanding it. A huge sigh almost escaped from his mouth.

"So you are going and I am telling my lovey-dovey. Come on, let's go home. Help me pick the best bikini in my closet." Sky took a deep troubled breath. He was still thinking about who puts him in or wakes him for bed and if he was really sleeping in the bed, where had Caden sleeps?


"Are you sure you're busy this Saturday?" Yale interrupted his typing. He gave him bored look. Yale asked him about being free this Saturday for like 5th time now . He wasn't sure if Yale was forgetting his answer or just making sure he won't change his mind.

"Yes Yale Thomas. My mom wants me to pay her a visit. So I need to be there before she freaks out and throw drama skits on me. So enjoy your Saturday and Sunday wisely Mister " 

"Okay. Then it's gonna be the three of us." he answered in a fading voice. Caden raised his eyebrow. "Three?" He nodded, still looking at his laptop. "Where are you going to?"

"Beach." Oh, Beach. Caden shrugged his shoulder and went back to his work. "Me, Kiara and Sky" He stopped typing. His mind stopped and went running random mindless thoughts. So Sky is coming too. Before he could ask more question, Yale's phone rang all over the place. He immediately answered it. 

"Hello Mi amor? Yeah? Sky's said yes!? Great! Hahaha no need to be sexy, I'm all yours. I'm sorry. Caden's not coming but I'm thinking to bring my cousin with me. I'm still gonna ask him though... what? No. He's good. He had, i think a boyfriend when he was in high school so I think he'll do great with Sky. Sky might like him. Yeah.. Okay.. We'll pick you up at 6. Is that good?.. Haha. Okay . love you more. Bye Mi amor." 

"Where exactly are you going?" Caden suddenly asked. Yale silently giggled about a thought in his mind. 


Saturday came and both of them awoke early. Kiara was so giddy and active that her energy is so contagious Sky fell into the excitement as well. She told him that Caden wasn't coming so his being was a little calm but still perplex. They were standing outside their apartment, waiting for Yale and whoever he brings with him. They saw an approaching car and were so sure it's Yale's. It stops right in front of them. Sky opened the passenger seat since he knows Kiara will take the seat next to her boyfriend.

He almost jumped to see Caden sitting comfortably. Caden looked at him as he stood there frozen and shocked.

"I thought you're not coming?" Sky wasn't able to stop his mouth from uttering those words.

Caden was indecisive to whether be offended or laugh at Sky's utterly surprised face. "Am I not welcome?" Caden glanced to the couple in front of him. They, too, were about to laugh. Yale was happy that Caden change his mind.

"Come on Sky! We're gonna be late." Kiara chimed in. Without reacting, he sits beside Caden in silence. 


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