Chapter 29- New Start

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"Papa" Sky woke up by the voice of his daughter. He was sitting on a chair, sleeping on the edge of his daughter's bed. "Where's Dada?"

"He's said he has something—" he stopped as the door opened.


"Cara." Caden smiled and kissed her forehead. "How's our strong baby girl?"

"Still strong Dada." She smiled. Caden kept asking her welfare and Devika answered with all honest.

Sky can't help but be touched and shed a tear at the sight. They were like father and daughter doing normal things in a normal day. It looks so common and normal but he felt all the specialness in each and every conversation they exchange. It's rare to find someone who accepts him as a gay, let alone his status being a single gay father. He never imagines his life would reach this wonderful.

"Papa, why are you crying?" Devika noticed Sky being very silent on her side and saw him shedding tears looking at them.

He covered his face as he stifles a sob and wipes his tears then he smiled. "No it's just... I'm happy. I'm so happy. And I love the both of you." He sobbed. Maybe the anxiety washed out from his body. Maybe he was overwhelmed by relief. Maybe his prayers were answered. Maybe he felt what true love is. They were like three different individual, not a single blood shared, meet together to complete the missing pieces of their life. It's magical. It's magical. It's true love. 

Caden went to his side, hugged him and gave him a peck on the lips. "We love you too. I love you, Sky"

"Papa~~" Devi whined with tenderness. If she can just stand, she would certainly hug her Papa. "Family hug!!!!!" She announced. She is so happy that finally she has a complete family. Even though she has two dads, she is overly blissful and proud that there are two men who loves her and protects her even she is not their own. They went to her side and hugged her. When they break the hug, Caden sat on the chair and pulled Sky to sit on his lap. "Papa, when can I go home?"

"Until we are sure you're fine."

"But what about school? We are gonna have our test next week. What about summer? Are we still going to mommy? "

"You study here if you want but you're not going to school until you're better. And yes. We will go to Italy."

"Papa, where am I going to school next year?" Sky looked at Caden. He mentally slapped his self. He was still indecisive. It a good school but then it's gonna be far from where they live. Caden saw the distraction on his face.

"Is there something you didn't tell me?"

"Yeah, I forgot. Her teacher told me about her receiving a sort of scholarship in a school. The university's near your place. It's a great school and you know.. i think Devi fits there..But umm.. it's too far our place. We're going to wake up early so we can't be stuck at busy streets on the way. So I'm still indecisive."

Caden stopped to think. "Is that it? You both live with me." Devika's face lit up but Sky's face is full of wariness. "What's with that face you're giving me Sky?"

"Let's talk about it later Caden." He whispered not so sure if this is the place they can talked about it.

"Why not now? Devika knows everything so why hide it?"

"Dada, will it be okay with you? I will be happy to live with you but you know.. bad people will come to you and you don't like gay things. Living with papa is a gay thing."

"Well baby, doing gay things with your Papa are the things I never regret doing. I think I can live with bad people attacking me than not doing gay things with your Papa. So why not?"

"Yeheyyyy!!" Devika exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" Sky asked worriedly.

"I'm never been so sure about my decisions in life Sky, not unless it concerns you." Sky kissed Caden and hugged him tight.

"Can I have a room full of Hello Kitty Dada?" she said excitedly.

"Sure baby. You will stay in Italy whole summer right?" Devika nodded. "Okay then, when you came back, you will have your own Hello Kitty themed room." Nothing makes Devika happier than hearing that she can have her dream room. And it makes Sky happy seeing her happy.

"I have a question Cara." Caden started. "'Why did you ran across the street baby when Papa was still paying?"

"I got scared of Nurse Blaze so I ran to the house."

"You saw him? /He followed us?" Caden and Sky speak simultaneously. They glance at each other.

"You didn't saw him?" Caden asked Sky. Sky shook his head in confusion and frustration.

"Yes, Papa I think he followed us. I saw him out of his car when you were paying. He's at our back."

"Holy mot--." Caden cut off his words remembering there is a minor in front. "Sorry. So he was that guy who was standing on the sidewalk." Caden said more to himself when he realized.

"How did you know?"

"I asked an investigation for the accident. There is a surveillance cam nearby so I asked a copy. I already talked to the driver. He said he doesn't see her crossing because she just rushed through. But I saw a guy behind you standing there. I thought it was someone in the apartment also. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that day. I'm so sorry for not being there."

"It's okay Baby. You've done so much already. Thank you very much." He kissed his cheeks again.

"Baby." Caden teased. He felt nice when he heard the word from Sky. "Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Baby" Caden emphasized the last word. Sky just rolled his eyes.

They heard a knock on the door. "Nurse Sky. Doctor Lay would like to speak with you." Sky nodded and bid them goodbye before he followed the nurse.


After days, Devika was finally discharged but she was on wheel-chair. She went back to school after few days of exercising her legs. Thank goodness, she has no permanent or severe damage. She was right handed and her right arm just got scratches. During her free time, Caden hired an on-call driver fetch her from school to the hospital. She usually stays in Caden's office if Sky is on duty.

Sky felt different when he came back to work. It feels like some of them were avoiding him now. Thankfully, his station mate didn't treat him indifferent after some begging he made. He doesn't want to be treated as if he owns the hospital. Well maybe he is the lover of the owner but he is still a nurse who obeys his seniors.

Caden felt free. He did not hear anything from his employees after publicly showing their relationship. He doesn't hear them talking at their back. Instead, they smiled when they saw them walking hand in hand together. Some doesn't mind when they passed and just greet them in respect. It got him thinking, if he didn't just let his fear overwhelm his decision, they could have showed their relationship a little longer. But he is afraid being judged. He is afraid of being discriminated. He is afraid of the society not accepting them. But the community seems to mind their own business so all his fears were a little at ease.

For both Sky and Caden, it's a new start. A good start for a better relationship. 

Kiara and Yale were very glad for them. Now, they won't hide anything and they won't use excuses just to see each other. Now, they can double date for real but still within the places Caden is comfortable with. They saw how hard Caden adjusted to his life now. Greatest adjustment he made is when he saw gays, he won't cringe on them or bash them or do anything offending. He just held Sky's hand or kissed his head. Maybe it's for distraction which they find cute and somehow heartwarming. They love how Caden takes care of Devika like she's his own. Like who in the world would not love Devika? And Devika is just grown fond of him since he spoiled her so much.

Blaze stopped chasing Sky. Caden went to him, clarifying, no.. threatening him not go near even 10 meter radius from Sky and Devika. Specially Devika. Devika is so afraid of him that even mentioning him gives her shivers. 


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