Chapter 23- A causa del caffé

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Sky's eyes fluttered open. He saw a naked back sitting on a study table in front of him. Where am I? Ohh, I'm in Caden's. He remembered how he cried his eye out in front of him. Just how many times does he need to see me crying? Damn, I'm so weak.

"Cade, Amore what time is it?" he said groggily. Caden turned his back and looked at him smiling.

"'It's still 7 am. Go back to sleep."

"Why are you up then?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He saw himself only wearing his boxers and his shirt and pants from last night was neatly folded on the side.

"There's a report I didn't finish because I went home early." Ohh It's because he fetch me and Devika.

"I'm sorry 'bout that." He stood up and sat on Caden's lap. He placed his head on his chest and hugged his torso. Caden caresses his back. I am home. Caden is my home. 

"Hey don't be sorry. I'm glad I've fetch you before that jerk gives you a ride."

"I think I should file a resignation. I don't think it's a good idea to—. " His mumbling was cut off.

"You already had. You're working at my hospital tomorrow." 

He held his head up and looked at him quizzically. "'What do you mean?"

"I called your hospital owner. I told him you're resigning. He saw the footage of what happen. He asked me why." Sky was waiting. He was waiting to whatever Caden reasoned out. He wanted to know but part of him was afraid because he was so sure Caden would deny them. Nevertheless, he was ready.

"I said." He continued and smiled at him. "I told him that bastard is hitting my boyfriend and I better separate them before they'll find them his final resting place." He nodded. Of course , Blaze and I needs to be separated before Caden can do something hideous to him. Wait a minute.... His eyes grew wide looking at him. Sky was speechless. His boyfriend just smiled at him, ready to laugh at his disposition.   Did he just said I am his...?

"You.... youtold Mr.?" He froze in place.  Caden nodded and kissed his frowning forehead. 

"While you were sleeping, I was thinking about ... where to start, how to start. i can't just be like this forever. We've been together longer than my past relationships so I have to act something, to do something if I want to keep you with me. It's kinda hard but I know it is for the better... and it is worth it. You are worthy. So I told him that and he said okay. No further question."

"Really? H-How are you then?"

"I feel .. odd and nervous as hell. I seem to out myself. Weird... But I'm relief after all. It's nice to think that if I can do this slowly.. I am way farther than I was before. Well, this road leads me to you." Sky feels overwhelm. He kissed him on the lips and hugged him tight.

"You... You don't have to do that." 

"I  DONT have. But I NEED to. I promise not to leave you right?"

"You are making fall for you even more Mr. Mckintosh. Thank you. I love you so much." He gave him a peck. 

"Ti amo anch'io." Sky laughed at his accent but still gave him a peck again. He was about to stand and go back to bed when Caden held his hips tight.  Caden frowned. "Where do you think you're going?"

He pointed out the bed. "In bed? I'm going back to sleep. My work is still tomorrow"

"Uh-oh not happening. You awaken someone from sitting on him." Sky didn't feel the long emerging bulge beneath his crouch until now.

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