Chapter 19- Blaze

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"Babe, I'll be out tonight. Yale asked me out." Sky and Kiara fortunately got favorable scheds of the week. They don't have night shift which he was so happy about. It's been 3 months since he and Caden becomes a thing. Caden and Yale always go to their apartment when they are not so much busy.

"Okay, I'll fetch my girl later. Are you gonna be home or not?"

"I think I'm not. Are you going with Caden?"

"No, he told me he'll stay up late. Blaze can drop me off." Kiara looked at her best friend intently. When did a senior gave so much attention to his collegue? It feels off.

"You mean Nurse Blaze Lewis?" He nodded nonchalantly. "I feel weird with him. You're always with him these days. He seems into you." That caught his attention but didn't really that matter.

"Come on Babe, I know I'm that likeable but they all think you are my girl. No one knows I'm gay except you."

"But you know, just.. still be careful.. he seems to know your gay. I notice he always has the same shift as you. I think he made that on purpose so he can be with you. I mean from all of us here, why does he have so much time with you? You might not notice that because you always think he's just your senior.  So yeah.."

"Babe, stop overthinking. He's straight." But he stopped forking his food. It suddenly got him thinking. Really? I didn't think it that way. Why would h-

"Hey, can I share table?" They both looked at Nurse Lewis. Kiara gave Sky a i-told-you-so look. Sky just shrugged but inside it made him nervous. This is a coincidence right? Kiara's just being paranoid.

"Yeah sure Nurse Lewis." He smiled nervously at him. Blaze tapped his shoulder before sitting beside him.

"I gotta go. My break is over. Excuse me Nurse Lewis. I'll see you tomorrow babe." She kissed him on the cheek before she went away. Being with Blaze with the notion of a possibility that he likes him makes him extremely uncomfortable.

"She have night shift?"asked Nurse Lewis. He tried to put all his attention to his food but he was still extra cautious to Blaze's actions.

He smiled and looked at him. "No, Ahmm. Someone invite her for late night dinner." He cannot say its boyfriend because it would cause him to---

"Ohh her boyfriend." Guessed Blaze.

What??? He knows? "You know, she has boyfriend?" he asked out of bewilderment.

"I often see a car fetching her at times. Wasn't that her boyfriend?" He fell silent. He doesn't want to confirm but he also doesn't want to lie about them. After all, Blaze was still his senior and he doesn't want Blaze to lose his trust on him.

"Ahh, yeah. S-so you know I-I'm---"

"Gay? Yeah, but not long ago though" Sky was shocked. He was about to say that he knows all along that he is not Kiara's boyfriend. But then.... Is Kiara right about Blaze?

Blaze took a sip on his cup and continued. "I think last Christmas after-party." Last Christmas, he remembered. They had a party last Christmas. Their theme was 90's party so dressed like one and he thinks he over dressed that night. Baggy big blue jeans, colored long socks underneath, bright colorful tee but he made it crop-top so he can flaunt his flat but hot tummy, oversized demin jacket, bright neon green shoes and a lot of accessories. He was so head turner that day. Many were complimenting about how he dressed up. He was hot at the same time sexy on his outfit. He didn't notice Nurse Lewis staring at him at all. They all went to a bar after the party.

"H-how did you know?"

"I notice you're flinching over other girls touch besides Kiara. So I thought its because you were best friends but then.." He looked at him. "When you're a little over your head, I saw you kissing a guy at the back of the bar then went inside right after." He blushed. He remembered being so flushed that he brought a guy at the back of the bar and made out with him but he remembered his friends must be finding him so he went back inside.

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