Chapter Fifty Two

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Pushing my way onto the tube, I'm grateful to spot an empty seat

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Pushing my way onto the tube, I'm grateful to spot an empty seat. I don't even hesitate as I flop my lifeless body onto it.

I don't think I've experienced tiredness like this before. Two nights of no sleep and one of constant crying has caused me to look like something straight out of a zombie movie. Truthfully, I'm pretty sure the bags under my eyes have their own bags, too.

Work is even harder to get through. I sit at my desk, head in hands, trying to contemplate everything that's happened in the last forty-eight hours. But the more I think, the more exhausted I become, and I can't even begin to face the endless list of emails that have come through.

From next to me, Danny eyes me curiously. "Mia, hey, are you okay?"

Tearing my red eyes from the screen in front of me, I turn to Danny. I nod, forcing a smile onto my still swollen face. But my words seem to evade me.

     "You sure?" He asks again.

     "I'm fine," I croak, my throat dry.

But I know Danny; he's one of the smartest people I've ever met, he'll know I'm lying for sure.

Sensing my need to be alone, Danny shoots me a supportive smile and returns to his work. I'm grateful that he's so understanding, even if he doesn't have the faintest idea of what's going on.

Two hours pass and I think I've only responded to three emails. Michael has already asked me to begin working on a couple of tasks, but I can't find the energy within me to look at them right now.

I take my phone from my pocket; it's still switched off from last night. I dread turning it back on—Grayson will surely have sent me a barrage of messages.

I slide it weakly to the edge of my desk, slowly making my way to the coffee machine; I need to try and fill myself with a some form of energy.

     "Mia, honey, are you alright?"

As I swirl a stirrer into my latte, I hear Jenny's friendly voice from behind me. "Oh, hey Jenny," I say quietly, trying to force some sort of strength into my words.

     "Are you okay? You don't look all that good," she asks sympathetically, gently placing her warm hand onto my shoulder.

     "Yeah, sorry—I didn't get a good sleep last night. Bad headache," I lie.

     "Do you want to go home?" She asks.

     "No, no I'll be fine, thank you," I say. "It'll pass."

I take a sip of my latte, forcing another smile as I  walk back towards my desk.

In all honesty, I could probably do with a sleep—a long sleep at that—but I don't want to dent my absence record so early into starting my apprenticeship.

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