Author's Note (Please Read)

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Hello everyone!

Thank you all so much for reading Unlike Loki and also Tabula Rasa. It means the world to me! I greatly appreciate the votes and the comments. They keep me writing.

I hope you liked the second book as much as the first.

I also hope you see how it ties back into the Marvel storyline and with speculations of Loki coming back to more movies.

Again, thank you all for your support, as I loved writing this two-part series.

My plan is to write a collection of short stories eventually that tell of Loki and Anna's children and their adventures more. Go check out: Unlike Loki Novellas. It's up and started :)

If you have any specific requests on what you would like to see in those stories or questions you would like answered, please don't hesitate to leave them in the comments.

Thank you all so very much, I cannot say it enough.

The ride was fantastic. My heart is warm with joy.

And if you have time, please check out my other stuff, as I am hoping for them to be just as popular as Loki.

Much love and happy reading.

See you soon,

Allison :)

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