Chapter 1

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There's three main characters in this story:
Main character: Mikey
Crush: Paisley
Bestfriend: Ash (non-binary)

Mikey: Hes inlove with Paisely, but she seems to not catch his attention. She's too busy, posting pictures of her in bikinis online and talking to 100+ boys in her dms.

Paisely: Shes not aware Mikey has physical feelings for her. So obviously she doesn't care at all. She has god complex. But there's this one person she thinks about and that ONE person IS NOT Mikey.

Ash: Theyre always there for Mikey. Mark my words. When I say always I mean ALWAYS. Basically, a good friend. Secretly lonely in disguise.
Different scenarios but they all have one thing in common, they're all secretly or in Mikey's case,obviously, sad.

For those confused: This story is based on emotional quotes, each character feels!

Credit: B.J. Alex~ manga ( drawings, illustrations)
Credit: What does the fox say - semi
Credit: Love and Hate~ manga

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