Job Finally Done

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"Iris...Iris- Iris-".
"Oh yeah. she's absent, she's not doing too good". Grr. I knew what did went down, with those two. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. Ew. That sounds wrong. It's not like that. Anyways, my plans with Iris didn't work out since she was visiting her mother's grave. I wonder if that's enough for her. No. She needed more revenge from ME this time.

Blah. Blah. Time passes. It's finally lunch. Time to ruin someone else's day. I follow Ash into the men's bathroom. Yes. It's weird but so worth it. I wait for him by the urinal area. Ew. Smells like pee and dead body in here. "Uh-.", he froze. "F*ck, what do you want". " I know your secret." "You're that one guy from the video in XX.videos f*cking this one girl, aren't you", I inspect him laughing. "Yeah, and what about it lol". Why'd he seem so chill. "Bro ? That's not normal it's you, just so you know, the whole school, even the teachers found out". "Well, unlike you, I'm now known, and me and Iris might as well take your spot", Ash chuckled. Grr. Nah. I was so maddd.
"Can I go now lmao". "No, you wait right here, I'm gonna make you look bad". I stomped my feet. "You prolly shouldn't have said that, a magician never reveals his secret ". Grr. No way. He's too damn smart. "I hate you so much". "Feelings are very much mutual". He just stood there, out of boredom. "This isn't over, you won't get away with this". "Yeah, yeah whatever". H-he walked off on me. "I'm serious you don't even know right now". "Just leave me the f*ck alone Paisley". Hmmm. I needed to calm down myself. I took out my brush, and combed my hair. Everytime I'm angry, my hair always stands up in the air like little spikes. I guess it's the fury showing . "What'd you do to Ash". Ugh. Not this sore loser again. "Does it matter, what is a depress and alone person like you gonna do". He kinda look startled. As he should the f*ck. "Why're you in the men's bathroom". "Ugh. Shut up". I punched him in the arm. That felt good to let go some of my anger.

Thinking about what Ash said now. That really hurt me. *Incoming flashback* "Well, unlike you, I'm now known, and me and Iris might as well take your spot". Grr. What if he's right. I mean, he's right about the Iris part. But why didn't she attend school today. Something doesn't add up. That's so sus. I called Bryan's brother. No. I don't say his name. Just cause it's an ugly name. Ew. "Yeah, about this hit-man thing, let's do it today-I don't care. I need us to poison NOW for sure. I can't wait much longer. And great news. She didn't come to school today. That means I'll put the acaricide in Ash's bag so he looks suspicious and she thinks he's up to no good". "I know because if it wasn't for me, this job wouldn't get done". I hang up.

Back to class:
"Yay, aren't you guys ready for Art, it's the last period of today, and then you go home". "Sorry, for coming to your class late, I had a bit of an emergency ." "It's alright, take a seat". This class is thirty minutes long. Good. A seat right behind Ash. Can this day get any better.

Today's assignment, was to decorate a portrait of your own, for the given subject or whatever. Mrs. Linda would call on each student's name to present, so I had a plan. When she would call Ash, I would take action.

"Ash, hey, how are you- I'm good thanks"
"Okay, show us your design".
Haha. Time for action. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. Lucky for me, they weren't. His bag was wide open.
Like you could literally see his entire life in there. "Ooh goodie". He had this heart-shaped gift covered in chocolate . I assumed it was for Iris, since her name was on the little note paper thingy. I clutched the poisonous substance. Opened the chocolate, and sprayed the acaricide inside it. Yes.

Acaricide: Pestisides that kill mites.(Yes, Iris is a mite :)

I hurry and close his backpack. And put back the toxin in my socks. I was internally screaming. Yes. Finally. Something is happening. Whether Ash or Iris ate it. They would both be ended within seconds.

"Hey, I did it. I actually did it."


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