On My Way

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"Vrrr", my phone vibrates. The timer goes off. "Shit". Once again, I totally forgot to get him a present. "F*ck". I rolled off my bed. Literally, crawling into the bathroom, to wash my face. Bro. His party was starting in fifteen minutes. Obviously,that wasn't enough time to get dressed, eat breakfast and arrive at his house, that is a 40 minute drive. On top of that, no gift, no license, and a fallen asleep mother.I had no choice but to tell him the truth. Don't get me wrong, I was still gonna attend, but just a little late. My phone buzzed again.

"Are you still coming , Mikey ? :)".

Hell yeah I was but as I said before, a little bit late. I told him the truth and he replied with , " No worries, haha take your time :)". "Take my time ?", I questioned myself. What does that mean? Why would I even take my time ? My attention span is so low. Did he have company ? He possibly couldn't, it's Ash.

I took a shower, put on some clothes, woke up my mom- okay pause. "What! you didn't tell me today was Ash's birthday". "I know, but I need your car, I'm already 5 minutes late, I don't want to miss out, on the big surprise". I had a lot of convincing to do to get mom to let me borrow her car. Ha, "borrow a car", who even says that. Nevertheless, I promised to cook her loads of food when I get back. "Mom, please, I'm responsible enough, I swear", I begged on my knees. "Fine, once you return before twelve". She slammed the door, behind her. "Yess!", I said with a glowing face. "Ok I'm omw".

Before you doubt me, Yes I know how to use a car. I'm not legally 16 yet, but I've learnt how to drive at the age of 13. A few years ago, when my dad actually had time for me, despite my parents' divorce. The ride to Ash's house was pretty smooth. No traffic. Less people o the road. Probably cause it was real early in the morning. Those 40 minutes turned to 10 minutes. "The gift". I got a flashback. Nope, no it was too late for that now. And the only gift, he's gonna get is me showing up. Ash, isn't much of a sensitive person. But I feel bad for the kid, since I'm the only there. It's more than likely to be awkward. Haven't spoke to him in weeks. Upon entry, the outside of his home, was dull. No balloons, no confetti, what was he doing? His entire organization was not very well done. But I'm not the one to judge. I exited the car, on my way to his front yard.

 I exited the car, on my way to his front yard

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