Facts Over Feelings

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The warm sunshine, that was streaming through the classroom window, was doing nothing to help my concentration, as I sat in class trying to pay attention. The teacher's monotone voice droning on about the civil wars, slowly putting me to sleep. I got zero sleep last night, since I was up contemplating about life. "Oh,there she was". Paisley sat three feet away from me, looking good as ever. I couldn't resist staring at her. "Cut it out, she literally said no, yesterday when you asked her out." Thinking about it now, that was totally some bitch behavior, I sure did. Who the fuck even does that. Especially me. She's like famous and I'm a popular loner. Everyone knows I exist, but they never hit me up, except for Ash. I took notes as best as I could, then suddenly I would realize that my eyes were closing. I opened them quickly, and gazed at my notebook. Bruh, I just kept dozing away. I lifted my head up, four times now. All at once, there was a hush in the room. The teacher began asking questions. I tried to seem casual as I glanced to see if I was the unlucky person. My heart skipped a beat, the teacher calling upon me to answer the questions . "No, no way". All eyes were on me. I could sense the second-hand embarrassment. I felt my face grow warm with a slight blush. "Uh-uh the answer is...". I wanted to DIE. Ash looked at me, with a soft smile and a thumbs up. That made me feel better for only 2 seconds . "Cmon , Mike, were waiting on you...you were suppose to be paying attention in class", Mrs. Jefferson said. Unexpectedly, Paisely responded to the teacher, saying "Excuse me miss, hes as dumber as a bag of rock, of course he wasn't paying attention, with that slow brain of his. Why was she being so mean to me. I strived to hold back the waves of tears. Without hesitation, Ash stood up and replied to Paisley's reply. It was like watching a debate. "Hey, that's not very nice, and not everyone is as attentive as you are this early in the morning, but that doesn't make him dumb," they articulated, fury in their eyes, and knuckles on their hips. One thing about Ash is that they'll always be there for you. "Okay, okay, that's enough now, both of you sit down, there's no need to fight, I'm sure Mike was attentive and knows the answer, right Mike?", Mrs. Jefferson questioned. "Uh-sure!". Simultaneously,the bell rings. "Saved by the bell." "Okay class you're dismissed, tomorrow we'll discuss this lesson again." My brain kept replaying what Paisely said about me. At this point, you'd think my feelings for her would've left my body, but instead they got more personal. I still liked her. She had something that no one else had . Confidence. Eh- well a lot of that I suppose. Yeah she was acting really rude towards me, but deep down I feel for her. Her parents aren't together and I don't think she's as happy as she seems. But then again, I could be wrong. I guess I'm taller and better in another dimension.

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