Falling Apart

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It was Monday again. Ugh. I hate Monday's. I have Spanish on Mondays and I absolutely hate Spanish. Atleast I have it at the end of the day. And it's my first day back at school after the mishap. I have half a day with Ash, so I could apologize to him or have a regular conversation. The class we have first, is Math. I get there, and I see Ash walking in. He goes over to his seat. But, I didn't get a chance to go over at him because the teacher, Mrs. Anderson walks in class.

"Goodmorning students, oh would you look at that, class may we welcome back our best student, Mikey, Mikey how are you doing", he tilted his head and studied me, with his hands on his hips. Everyone was giving me dirty looks, but, but Ash he didn't even look at me. Was he that mad ? "Uhm, I'm good". "Ugh, excuse me sir, he does this every year, it's nothing new, and he shouldn't be welcomed back, no one cares", Paisley stood and protested. Students clapping and agreeing with her. "Yeah, I agree". "Me too". Wow. "Ok, let's all just take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out, ahh". She rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, that's enough for today, let's get into our lesson for today's class, we'll be learning about, Number Bases, we're already behind time, so we need to start now". "By the time you all are taking those sums down, I'll be calling the role". My mind was less focused on the work but more on Ash.

"Matthew- Present sir"
"Tanesha- Shes absent sir"
"Iris- Iris.... Iris...-"

"Oh, yeah she's absent, she's not doing too good", Ash spoke up, with his eyes pierced into his book,writing the math on the board.

"Ok thanks Ash". Mr. Anderson continued the role. Paisely kept staring me. I was threatened by her emotions.

Oh no. Just like that , the bell rings. Second period. Already. "This isn't over, you dummy", Paisely, growled at me, pulling on my jacket as we strolled to our next classroom, Guidance.

I finally caught up with Ash. "Heyy, are y-." He stopped me. "I don't really wanna talk to you right now, I'll see you at lunch". Oh ok.

Oh yeah. I forgot. Guidance. They basically talk about depression and anxiety. And well, well all the other types of mental illnesses.

"So students what do we do when talking to a person with severe depression ?".
"We don't tell them to "be happy" we just treat them with respect and give them space but love", we all said in a monotone voice. "Okay, class we're dismissed". "W-wait, I have a question". Noo. Not Paisely. Uh. She's gonna embarrass me infornt of everyone. "Yes ?".
"What if this "depressed person" just wants attention and isn't actually ill", she asked gazing obviously at me. No. That was so wrong. I wasn't in it for attention or validation. I was actually mentally exhausted. "Oh dear, well in that case, you contact an adult or let them know it's not right to mock others who are ill, and it's not a trend". "Will do, Mrs. Jackson". She took a seat. I tried to get a load of Ash but I couldn't see him.
*Rattling Of Bell*
The cafeteria's packed as always. I had no one to sit with, and Ash was no where to be found. So I got my tray and aimed off to the bathroom. There, I heard whispering from two kids. "Just leave me the f*ck alone, Paisley". Omg. It was Ash. He bumped into me, since I was at the entrance, peeping. "God, sorry", he said angrily, marching off. "Paisely, what'd you to do him". "Does it matter, not like your gonna do anything, since your all depressed and alone", she pouted, brushing her hair. "Why're you in the men's bathroom". "Ugh. Shut Up". She pushed my shoulder, as she sped off. Great. Even better. I was all alone forreal this time. I opened a stall. Sat on the closed toilet. And ate the soggy mac n cheese and chicken fingers. It was horrible. I really wasn't enjoying this back-to-school day at all, and it's just the beginning.

 I really wasn't enjoying this back-to-school day at all, and it's just the beginning

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