Eddie Kaspbrak |Soulmates AU|

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~Y/n's POV~

I woke up and remembered that today is the day I'm moving. I get ready to get in the car since we are moving to Derry, Maine, a town a few towns away. I get into the car we're going to ride in with my brother and parents. I put my pillow against the car door and rest my head against the pillow. I then fall in a deep sleep.

~Time Skip~

"Y/n WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I hear my brother shout in my ear.


I look at the window seeing we're still on the road.


"Cause look at your wrist!" He points at my wrist.

It read, "5349 steps".

"Holy shit." I mumble.

"I think your soulmate live in Derry, Y/n." My dad said with his eyes on the road.

"NOICE!" I shout and lay my head back on the window and sleep.

It's 5 pm and I wake up and see we are already at our new house. I open the car door and go into the house. We bought it with furniture with we didn't have to bring so much stuff from our old house. I went up the stairs yelling, "I'm going to sleep!"

My mom yelled back, "Your room is the second door on the right!"

I go to that room, change my clothes, and go to my bathroom. Holy shit, I have my own bathroom! I go do my business, brush my hair and teeth, then go to bed. As I do, I see "174 steps" on my wrist. I stare at it for a second and get up. I then start walking towards it. I go downstairs slowly but the numbers started getting lower and lower really quick. Well damn, soulmate. You really want to see me huh? I look over at the living room, seeing my mom and dad sleeping on the couch. I get a blanket and put it on top of them before putting on my shoes and leaving my house. I look at my wrist and it said, "25 footsteps" I look up and see a scrawny cute boy a few feet away from me with I guess his friends behind him. I walk closer and see the numbers go,










I look up and see him walking towards me. He stand in front of me and shows me his wrist and takes a puff out his inhaler.

"Cute." I whisper.

I show him mine and both of ours say "0 footsteps". We look up at each other and he hugs me. I hug back.

"I'm Eddie." He says.

"I'm Y/n." I say pulling out of the hug but my arms still around him.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE!" I hear someone yell. I guess his friend.

"SHUT UP RICHIE!" Eds yells back.

"I'm sorry about him." Eddie apologizes.

"It's okay." I say playing with his hair.

He looks in my eyes and back to my lips. I look at his lips and see him lick them.

"Do you want to kiss me?" I ask him with a smirk.

"W-What? N-No, I don't w-want t-t-to. I-I-I didn't m-mean it i-in a me-" i cut him off by kissing him.

Eddie melts in the kiss and puts his arms around my neck. That's fucking adorable. We pull back from the kiss and just stare at each other.

"GET SOME!" I hear one of his friends shout.

"Y/N! Is that your soulmate?" I hear Jason ask.


"Y-Yeah, I um am. My name is Eddie. And you are?" Eddie said after taking a puff of his inhaler and walking up to Jason.

"Jason. Y/n's older brother." Jason said in a overprotective voice.

"YOU GUYS FORGET ABOUT US!" I hear someone say.

"Oh shit. Sorry about my friends." Eddie laughs nervously.

"It's okay. Y/n you can hang out with them. Just don't stay out for too long k?" Jason says.

"Yup. I'll see you later!" I say.

Eddie and I walk closer to his friends and his friends were grinning like crazy.

"Hi! I'm Beverly. But you could call me Bev." Bev said hugging me.

"I'm Y/n." I hug her back.

"I'm Richie. But you could call me Daddy." Richie flirts.

A guy with noodle looking hair hits him on the head.

"I'm sorry." Richie apologizes to the guy and kisses his cheek (TOZIERRR)

"Sorry about him, I'm Stan." Stan pulls out a hand for me to shake and I kind fully shake.

"I-I'm Bill. Sorry I have a b-bit of a st-stutter." Bill laughs.

"It's okay."

"I'm Ben" Ben introduces himself.

"Mike" An attractive boy, but not my type, says.

I smile.

I feel like we're going to be good friends.

828 words

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