(Luke Patterson) Opposites Attract

830 15 10

Words: 993

Rated: TV-PG

~Y/n's POV~

I'm Y/n Molina. Adopted. I'm a boring 17 year old girl. Isn't into music. Isn't into anything really. I'm not really some one you should know. But, I have to live around people to be sane so... here I am writing in a stupid book. My guidance counselor said it would be good for me to clear my mind. Whatever the hell that means.

"Hey, Y/n. Time for dinner." Dad says, peaking through my door.

"Okay." I say and follow him downstairs.

We go downstairs to eat and whatever.

"So, Y/n how was school?" Dad asks.

"Boring. Like every other day." I mumble and eat more of my spaghetti.

The rest of the family talk for awhile. I see the boys enter the room and
I roll my eyes. Let's just say... I don't like them. Julie looks at me like she's saying, "Be nice." We finish dinner and I go straight to my room.

"Ooo, What's this?" I hear Luke say.

I turn around, seeing him pick up my notebook. I quickly snatch it away from him and put it into my pants. And screw it if isn't lady like.

"No, nope, I'm not showing you." I say.

"Why not?" Luke asks.

"Oh well, maybe, I dunno, it's none of your business." I tell him harshly.

"Okay, jeez," He puts his hands up in defense, "You could've just said no."

"Yeah, like how Julie tell you not to bother her, but, y'know, you do anyways." I roll my eyes.

Luke rolls his eyes and poofs out.

"Finally!" I say and jump on my bed.

~Time Skip~

It's... 11:00 pm. It's time. I call my friend, Brandon. And, I mean, friend. Everyone seems to think we're dating though. Even our fans! But the age gaps is like, 4 years long, so no.

"Hey, Brandon. Are you at front?" I ask him and put on my jacket.

"Yeah. Your dad knows though. I told him, so you don't have to sneak out." Branson says.

"First, he's not my dad. And what? You told Ray?"

"Like I said, yeah. He knows. And yes he is your dad so shut up. And your dad is li-" Brandon pauses.

"Y/n, just get out here." I hear my dad say through my phone.

"What are you-"

"I just want to see you perform. I never thought you were into singing so I wanted to hear." Dad says.

"Yeah, that was the plan, for you to not think I'll participate in music." I mumble, grabbing my bag, and sprinting down stairs.

I get outside and enter the car with Dad in shotgun.

~Luke's POV~

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